IT2 - Step 4 of 4: Manage "Ready" Stories

The last of four (4) steps in Story Analysis prepares "Ready" Stories for the next Sprint Planning Event.

Story Analysis - Step 4 of 4: "Ready"

What's Before

In the prior step, IT2 -Step 3 of 4: Story Review, stakeholders reviewed the Story to determine whether or not it was a complete, accurate, and thorough definintion of the functionality increment expected.  Those approved are now deemed "Ready" move to this final state on the Story Analysis Board.

What's Happening Now

On This Page
    Add a header to begin generating the table of contents


    To Gain this State

    While in this State

    To Attain the Next State

    • To progress to this state a Story must have received approval from all parties involved in the Story review.
    • A Story may regress to this state if it had previously been selected during a Sprint Planning Event and added to a Sprint Backlog, but for whatever reason it is subsequently removed from that Sprint.
    • A Story in this state is “Ready” and available to be selected during a Sprint Planning Event.
      NOTE: Only “Ready” Stories are available for selection into a Sprint Backlog.
    • A Story may remain in this state for over several Sprints depending upon:
    • A Story will move forward only once it is selected during a Sprint Planning Event and added to a Sprint Backlog.
    • Any change to a Story in this state requires that the Story regress to ‘In Analysis’

    Participation & Updates to the WMS

    The Solution Owner is responsible for managing the Stories while in this state.

    The Solution Owner indiciates to stakeholders which Stories have a higher or lower priority relative to other Stories in this state by moving them up or down within the 'Ready' column of the Story Analysis Board.  The higher the Story in the column, the higher its priority; the lower the Story, the lower its priority.

    What's Next

    This is the final step in the IT2: Story Analysis task.  The Story is now available for section into a Sprint.

    Refer to IT4: Story Build for the next steps in a Story's lifecycle, or to Build, Test & Deploy for a broader look at what happens after Analysis & Design.

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