IT4 - Step 2 of 8: Work In Progress

The second of eight (8) steps in Story Build identifies changes currently underway.

Story Build - Step 2 of 8: In Progress

What's Before

Prior to this step, in IT4 - Step 1 of 8: To Do, a Story (or Bug) had been selected into a Sprint and added to the Sprint Backlog.

It's now time for the planned change(s) defined by the Story to be made.

What's Happening Now

On This Page
    Add a header to begin generating the table of contents


    To Gain this State

    While in this State

    To Attain the Next State


    • Stories in this state are those undergoing development and/or configuration, typically by the Solution Analyst.
    • When and where appropriate, the individual making the changes should also be creating and executing related Unit Testing (UNT).
    • In parallel, Stories in this state are also undergoing  Functional Testing (FNC) by the Test Analyst.
      • As code / configuration is being written, the Functional Test Cases should also be created and executed.
      • As more code / configuration is produced, more testing of available functionality should occur.
      • Do not wait for all / final functionality to be produced before starting Functional Testing.
    • Stories are worked in the DEV1 environment.
    • To progress to the next state:
      • Development / configuration needs to be complete; and
      • Operating Procedures must be created / updated where appropriate;
      • Functional Testing needs to be well underway.
    • Functional Testing need not be complete to progress to ‘Code Review’, but will need to be complete prior to ‘Desk Check’.

    Parallel Dev / Config and Test Activities

    Parallel Build & Test

    Iterative Changes and Tests

    The task flow will actually see the Story through several steps as it progresses through the build task.

    Iterative Change & Test

    Build Progression and Tasks

    The figure below shows the beginning of the build progression.  This flow will expand over the sections below as additional work is completed on the path towards "Done".

    Build Progression 1

    Dev / Config and Functional Testing of a Story

    The graphic below introduces Code Sets and Branches.  For additional information refer to Version Control and Solution Environments.

    In Progress

    Dev / Config and Functional Testing of a Solution

    Again, we're depicting Branches and Environments to explain how multiple Stories within a Sprint all funnel to the same location for Functional Testing.  For additional information refer to Version Control and Solution Environments.

    FNC Testing

    Participation & Updates to the WMS

    Typically the Solution Analyst is the Team member responsible for this step, although, depending upon the change(s) required any member of the Delivery Team could have ownership.

    As bandwidth permits, the Delivery Team member taking responsibility will move the Story from the 'To Do' column of the Story Build Board into the 'Work in Progress' column.

    What's Next

    Once development and/or configuration is complete the Story progresses on to IT4 -Step 3 of 8: Technical Review.

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