IT4 - Step 5 of 8: Ready for Testing

The fifth of eight (8) steps in Story Build indicates that the work done fo each Story has been reviewed.  No further changes are expected.  The Story is ready to move beyond Development for additional testing.

Story Build - Step 5 of 8: Ready for INT Testing

What's Before

Prior to this step, initial development and testing for the change(s) related to a given Story (or Bug) were made.  Having made it past IT4 - Step 4 of 8: Functional Review, the related changes were approved for promotion from the DEV1 to TST1 Environment.   Placing the Story in this state coincides with that request for promotion between environments.

What's Happening Now

On This Page
    Add a header to begin generating the table of contents


    To Gain this State

    While in this State

    To Attain the Next State

    • To progress to this state the changes related to the Story:


    • A Story may regress to this state if it was undergoing Build Integration Testing but, for some reason, Testers have deferred further testing.
    • ENV: These Stories will wind up the TST1 environment.
    • To progress to the next state, DevSecOps merely completes the deployment of the Story (via the updated Build Branch) to TST1.

    DEV1 to TST1 Promotion and Integration Testing

    Features evolve (i.e. functionality grows) as the individual Stories aligned to them are completed.  Build-level Integration Testing is Feature-driven. Tests begin when the first Story of the Feature is complete. As more Stories are completed & added to the Feature, the scope of testing is extended.  This is analogous to the Demos of Stories being Feature-based and extending in scope as additional Stories are completed and made available.  By the time the Feature's last Story is completed, the entire Feature should be tested and demonstrated.

    Promotion to TST2

    Build Progression and Tasks

    The figure below extends the build progression introduced previously in IT4 -Step 2 of 8: Work In Progress.  This flow will continue to expand as additional work is completed on the path towards "Done".

    Build Progression 2

    Participation & Updates to the WMS

    The Delivery Team member who made the changes (typically the Solution Analyst) will create a Pull Request within the WMS.  The Tech Lead should receive a workflow notification that changes are available to be migrated into the next environment so additional testing can be done.

    The Tech Lead, or a designated individual in the DevSecOps group, will monitor for Pull Requests and ensure the proper object(s) have been added to the Build Branch.  Once added, the new objects will be introduced to the next environment when the Build Branch is next deployed to it.

    After the changes have been introduced to the next environment, the DevSecOps member deploying the Branch will indicate the Story's progress by moving the Story on the Story Build Board to the right, into the 'In Testing' column.

    What's Next

    Once the changes related to the Story have been migrated into the TST1 environment, Build-level Integration Testing can begin during IT4 - Step 6 of 8: Integration Testing.

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