IT3 - Step 6 of 8: Move to Production

The sixth of eight (8) steps in Feature Release conveys which Features are to be included in the next Production Release.

Feature Release - Step 6 of 8: Move to Prod

What's Before

In the prior step, IT3 - Step 5 of 8: UAT Accepted, the Customer / Solution Owner indicated that the changes related to a Feature were 'Accepted' for deployment to Production.  DevSecOps group will now create the next Production Release based on that set of Features.

What's Happening Now

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    To Gain this State

    While in this State

    To Attain the Next State

    • To progress to this state a Feature is part of a CR (or similar artifact) scheduled to move the Feature into the Production environment.


    • A Feature may regress to this state if it was previously promoted to Production but not made ‘Active’. This may occur when
      • The CR to MTP fails and must be re-executed; or
      • If the Feature is to be replaced with a subsequent, improved version.
    • Features in this state are currently in the Move to Production (MTP) process and controlled by the Release Manager and supported by the DevSecOps group.
    • ENV: This is the final state in which the Feature is in the QA domain.
    • To progress to the next state a the Change Request (or similar artifact) facilitating the Feature's move into Production must be completed successfully .
    • Once in Production the Feature may not yet be made available to End Users (i.e., the Feature may be Toggled ‘Off’).  This is one way to allow a Feature with Defects to progress into Production without exposing such Defects to end users.

    Participation & Updates to the WMS

    Working with the DevSecOps group, the Release Manager will track progress of the Feature's deployment into Production.  Upon successful completion of the deployment, the Release Manager will move the Feature to the right on the Feature Release Board.

    What's Next

    Following successful deployment into Production, a Feature progresess to IT3 - Step 7 of 8: Inactive in Production.  The feature may remain in this state, unavailable to end-users, for any period of time - from minutes if being made active as part of the deployment, to months if awaiting other, related Feature(s).

    If the Change Request fails, or is otherwise cancelled or rescheduled, and there is no current schedule for the Feature to be deployed into Production, then the Feature is sent back to IT3 - Step 5 of 8: UAT Accepted until it can again be rescheduled for Production deployment.

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