IT1 - Feature Planning

This part of Iterative Solution Implementation describes the first of four (1 of 4) Implementation TasksThis task makes Features "Ready" for subsequent delivery.  It is one of two tasks, along with Story Analysis, which drive a Solution's Analysis & Design (A&D).  

After reviewing this page, look to the following for additional detail on each step of this task.

Feature Analysis & Design: Five Steps to "Ready"

The Feature Planning Board is used to manage several, related activities.

BacklogOn RoadmapIn AnalysisReview"Ready"
Feature identified during Inception or added via SCR.Feature prioritized for an upcoming Release.Feature is being refined. This means its design and requirements are currently being defined.Stakeholder Sign Off of the Feature’s design and requirements.Sign Off received. The Feature is now available for selection in a Release Planning Event.
While here, it need only have a Title, Benefit(s) and preliminary Size Estimate to be a placeholder for some future Business Value.It may be the next, after-next, or some subsequent Release, but is expected to be delivered in the next 6 – 12 mos. (2 – 4 Releases)Feature’s priority shows when it’s ‘next in line’. Features with higher priority should already be in ‘Review’ or “Ready” states.This is the 1st of 6 opportunities for someone to ‘Reject’ the item and to send it back for additional, or better work.Feature will remain in this state until it is selected for work in an upcoming Release.
Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4Step 5
  • Features prioritized for delivery on the Solution Roadmap appear in this board's second column, or in columns further to the right.  Their priority is indicated by their position in the column.  Those at the top must be refined (a.k.a. groomed) to define what increment of Business Value each is expected to provide.
  • Refinement occurs through Feature Planning Steps 1 – 5.  Each step represents a hand-off in ownership or accountability for completing the work expected for each step along the way.
  • Once a Feature is "Ready" for delivery, then Stories related to the Feature can be created and refined.  This defines how the Business Value described by the Feature (i.e., the Design) will be delivered, or implemented, via functionality within the Solution (i.e. Functional and Technical Specification).

These actions are managed using Implementation Task 1 - Feature Planning, which governs the activities in the upper-left quadrant of the 4 Concurrent Implementation Tasks as depicted.

They represent the activities which make a Feature "Ready" for subsequent delivery activities.  They define what happens to a Feature before a Feature can be selected during a Release Planning Event.

The pages above describe each of step of this task in detail.


Once a Feature is "Ready", then Analysis & Design of the Stories to enable it can begin. This work is described in Implementation Task 2 - Story Analysis.

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