Iterative Build, Test & Deploy

The second of six (6) topics in the Iterative Implementation Approach - Reference covers the second set of Implementation Tasks.  Those tasks execute the Build, Test & Deploy aspects of Solution Delivery.

People unfamilair with an iterative approach to Transformation and/or Solution Delivery are often unsure of what is to happen and when.  Similarly, those who may be more familiar with a Waterfall approach may misunderstand how actions conducted in that method change when applying an iterative approach.

The prior page on Analysis & Design, and this page on Build, Test & Deploy, seek to provide a broader perspective of the work involved with incremental Transformaiton and Solution Delivery.

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    Implementation Tasks 3 and 4 = Solution Build, Test & Deploy (BTD)

    Having completed the activities associated with Analysis & Design attention now shifts to turning the approved ideas, designs and specifications into tangible deliverables.  In other words, to build the Solution.

    Build, Test & Deploy creates the Solution using two key, related tasks - IT3: Feature Release and IT4: Story Build.  Some parts of IT3: Feature Release occur prior to IT4: Story Build.  Other parts occur following Story Build.

    The reason for this is that work is occurring on two levels.  At the higher, Feature-level, increments of Business Value are prioritized for delivery to the Customer.  At the lower, Story-level, increments of Functionality are prioritized for development by the Delivery Team to enable each corresponding Feature.

    The Big Picture


    To provide some context as to where are we in the Bigger Picture, Level 3 Planning should be concluded, which means:

    Now, the objective is to complete all Stories so their parent Features are "Done" by the end of the Release's Last Sprint.  To do so, BTD focuses on activities that appear on the right column of the Implementation Tasks diagram below.


    Right-side Implementation Tasks

    The selected Features, and their related Stories, are worked during the Sprints within the Build Release.

    Following the a Release's Last Sprint, those Features that are ‘Accepted’ by the Solution Owner / Customer will be added to a Candidate Release and then progress toward Certification Testing and/or UAT as appropriate for the Solution Type.

    Features which pass Certification Testing and UAT progress toward Production deployment as increments to the Production Release.

    BTD - Backlogs

    Solution Type Variations

    The following topics on IT3: Feature Release and IT4: Story Build vary depending upon the Solution Type.  Products are the most complex solutions and are the basis for the descriptions below.  Systems and Services are simplier solutions, each use varying subsets of what is described below.  The simplified subsets are explained at the end of each description.

    IT3: Feature Release - Advance the Solution by Delivering Increments of Business Value

    Feature Release is what occurs after the Release Planning Event, and is managed using a Kanban board in the Work Management System (WMS) titled Feature Release Board. The board tracks Features as they progress, or regress, through eight (8) states:

    • States 3 – 5:  Feature in Candidate Release – After the final Sprint within the Build Release, "Done" Features are added to the next Candidate Release and progress through three states related to Certification Testing and UAT.
    • States 6 – 8:  Feature in Production Release – When the validated and accepted Features from the Candidate Release are added to the next Production Release, they are deployed to Production where each may be either Inactive (unusable / unavailable ) or Active (usable / available). Inactive Features from prior Releases may also be activated.

    The table below shows the States a Feature may be in during the Build, Test & Deploy portion of its lifecycle.  These States appear on the Feature Release Board which is used within the Work Management System (WMS) to manage the progress (or regress) of each Feature from being "Ready" through to being "Done", then on to Cerfification Testing (if appropriate), and finally toward becomming Active in Production.  The bottom row shows which concurrent Release a Feature belongs to while in a given State.  See the following section for additional information on the Environments in which related Features may be found.

    ReadyBuildCert TestingReady for UATUAT AcceptedMove to ProductionInactive in ProdActive in Prod
    Feature available to work in a Build ReleaseFeatures Selected during Release Planning EventFeature undergoing Certification Testing (System, NFR, Performance)Final Business reviewBusiness approved Feature for ProductionFeature targeted for promotion to ProdFeature deployed to ProdFeature deployed to Prod
    Release Planning Events can only select from “Ready” FeaturesIn Release Backlog, to be delivered in ‘Build’ Release5th of 6 opportunity for to ‘Reject’ the item, and send it back for change6th and final opportunity to ‘Reject’ item and send back for changeFeature now in the hands of DevSecOpsFeature is in Prod, but Toggled Off (i.e., not in use)Feature is in Prod and Toggled On
    Build ReleaseCandidate ReleaseProduction Release

    Solution Type Variations

    • Products: The description above applies to Product Soutions.  What's described is what should be followed.
    • Systems:  System Solutions typically do not include a Candidate Release.  As such, Build Release Features which are not subject to Certification or UAT testing may progress directly from "Done" to 'Move to Production'
    • Services: Build Release activities may apply to Service Solutions.  However, neither the Candidate Release nor Production Release related activites are typically tracked within the WMS.  Each is the responsibility of the Service Provider.

    IT4: Story Build - Deliver Small Increments of Application-, Technology- or Service-Functionality

    Story Build is what occurs after to the Sprint Planning Event, and is managed using a Scrum board in the Work Management System (WMS). The board tracks Stories as they progress, or regress, through the eight (8) states shown below.

    The table below shows the States a Story may be in during the Build, Test & Deploy portion of its lifecycle.  These States appear on the Story Build Board which is used within the Work Managment System (WMS) to manage the progress (or regress) of each Story from "Ready" through to "Done".

    To DoWork in ProgressCode ReviewDesk CheckReady for TestingIn TestingReady for Sign-Off“Done”
    Story selected during a Sprint Planning EventProduct changed being made and Operating Procedures being created / updatedTechnical Review, Dev / Config standards validationFunctional Review, PO / Bus review of new / changed functionality; Last chance for (minor) changeBusiness Approved functionalityRemaining Build-level tests (Integration - INT)Functionality demo and corresponding Build Test resultsFunctionality ‘Accepted’ as-is by Business
    In Sprint Backlog, to be delivered in current SprintFunctionality being developed and tested (Functional - FNC)Tech Lead (DevSecOps) review of new / changed solution components3rd of 6 opportunities for to send back for additional / better work.No further component changes plannedValidate the delivered component(s)4th of 6 opportunities to ‘Reject’ item, and send it back for change.Portion(s) of overall Feature complete

    Solution Type Variations

    • Products: The description above applies to Product Soutions.  Follow the steps described.
    • Systems:  Some states may not be applied in the same way for System Solutions.  For example, standardized builds such as the provisioning a server, would typically not require the functional (i.e., Business) review of 'Desk Check' and 'Ready for Demo'.  However, the implied validation to occur in each step should still be done, likely by a supervisor or peer of the individual who executed the work.

    The Alignment of IT3: Feature Release and IT4: Story Build in the ITM

    The figure at right shows the relationship between IT3: Feature Release and IT4: Story Build.

    In a nutshell, as long as Stories remain in the Release Backlog that are not "Done", working those takes precedence over building any other Story that may be in the Solution Backlog.  This helps to ensure that Features selected for delivery during the Build Release are actually completed and 'Accepted' in order that they may progress into the Candidate Release.  Note that Sprints only apply to the Build Release.

    Candidate Release is time constrained to the same number of weeks as a Build Release.  However, Certification Testing is not scheduled on a Sprint-by-Sprint basis, although any required Bug fixes are.

    The Candidate Release is time constrained because if it takes longer to complete a Certification Testing & UAT cycle than it does to produce the next Build, then over time a backlog of uncertified Candiddates will accumulate.  There are many reasons and implications as to why this is not desireable.  Also, although Candidate-related work occurs in parallel with Build-related Sprint efforts of the following Release, Candidate-related work is not scheduled on a Sprint-by-Sprint basis becuase it is not structured nor estimated for such planning.  Test Planning and execution must allow for trade-offs to ensure appropriate testing can be completed within the time constraint of a Build cycle.

    In fact, whther Certification Testing is required, and the amount of time needed to allow for it, is perhaps the biggest driver in determining which Release Schedule (MonthlyBi-Monthly or Quarterly) a Solution should use.

    MP3 & MP4 Step-by-Step Progress

    The Poduction Release is not time constrained at all.  New Features (those which have achieved a 'Move to Production' state) or other changes to Production can occur as and when needed.

    BTD Support Tools & Environments


    Build, Test & Deploy builds upon the information gathered during Analysis & Design and managed within the Work Management System.  Features & Stories in the WMS will be updated, and additional content will be added to the Test Management System.


    The actions above often need to occur in one of several Environments.    For additional information on what happens where, look to Code, Test & Work Progression.

    Additional Information

    See the following for more information on the Implementation Tasks related to Build, Test & Deploy.

    For additional reference information:

    For execution information:

    Next up is a deeper dive into Implementation Task 1 (IT1): Feature Planning.

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