PT3 - Step 3 of 6: Sponsor Review

The third of six (3 of 6) steps in Portfolio Task 3 - Elaborate Feature (Request) is the point at which any number of alternatives narrows down to desired choices.  Here, key Stakeholders within the organization make decisions that affect Epics and/or Solution lifecycles.  It is also where such decisions establish the paths for transformative change.  While many individuals may have decisions to make, the most important will come from the Sponsor review.

Elaborate Feature (Request) - Step 3 of 6: Sponsor Review

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    What's Before

    Prior to this step, during PT3 - Step 2 of 6: Identify Options, the given Feature (Request) underwent went a systematic evaluation of available Solution options.

    Sponsor Review

    Architectural, software and hardware alternatives were identified.  Correspondingly, the benefits and costs of various options were compiled.  From the options available, recommendations for Epics and/or Solutions are described using Planning Level 1 artifacts.  In other words, if new Solutions are proposed, then a Vision was drafted.  If updates to existing Solutions are recommended, then a Vision was updated.  In either case, any new Epics were also defined, or existing Epics modified accordingly.

    Finally, one or more Business Cases - one per affected Solution - compiled information gathered during prior steps.  This initial version sought to provide estimates to 50% accuracy.  More refined estimates will occur in later steps within this Task.

    At this point, all preliminary data has been captured.  Options to address the Request have been evaluated, and an initial outline of the potential, recommended, Solution has been provided.

    What's Happening Now

    Now, conduct a formal review to ensure the recommended Solution appropriately addresses the Request at hand.  This review seeks input from several constituencies.  The objective is to receive a go / no go decision based on Sponsor review.

    The first audience to provide any additional thoughts or recommend adjustments are the key stakeholders.  Hopefully, these individuals have already provided input into the materials produced to-date.  Their input will inform affected Epic Owners as well as the Sponsor(s).

    At this point, any Request still in the Portfolio Management process affects one or more Epics.  Owners will have responsibility for all changes carried out in relation to their Epic. Accordingly, input is sought from each Epic Owner affected by the Request.

    To conclude, Sponsor(s) will receive input from key stakeholders and Epic Owners.  Taking everything into consideration, the Sponsor(s) decide which aspects, if any, of the Request to fulfill.  At this point, the Sponsor review may return the Request to an earlier state for re-work.

    If the Sponsor(s) approve further work, then the TMO will begin Capacity Planning.  This seeks to schedule the resources the next steps will require.

    Some large changes have a significant cost.  Most organizations have a threshold above which investment approval is required.  If that is the case for the given Request, then now is the time to seek that approval.

    Finally, the TMO aligns Epics which the request affects to their target Solutions.  Some may expand an existing Solution.  Others may align to a new Solution.  For large Requests, it's quite possible that two or more Solutions will move forward.  The next step will define each Solution.


    To Gain this State

    While in this State

    To Attain the Next State

    • A Feature (Request) will progress to this state once the Elaborate Stories added during the prior task are complete.


    • A Feature (Request) may regress to this state after being approved during Sponsor Review.  That may happen if some additional option, or major change to previously prepared materials (e.g., budget change, add/remove option) makes such a transition appropriate.
    • TMO presents recommendations based on prior steps, including Planning Level 1 artifacts and an initial Business Case(s).
    • Key stakeholder(s) evaluate the Solution proposal(s).
    • Epic Owner(s) indicates preferences and decisions.
    • Sponsor review either approves progress or sends the Request back for re-work before proceeding.
    • Upon approval, the TMO guides capacity planning and scheduling to ensure resources for the remaining Solution Definition tasks.
    • If cost exceeds threshold needing Executive Investment Committee approval, then obtain approval to proceed.
    • Where appropriate, align new or modified Epics to existing Solutions.  Alternatively, align new Epics to new Solutions which the next step will define.
    • A Sponsor's approval to proceed.
    • For any Epic which does not align to an existing Solution, then resource capacity to define a new Solution.

    Present Recommendations

    Depending upon the scope and scale of the Feature (Request), making the results of prior steps available to appropriate audiences can be quite different.  For smaller Requests, this may be a simple email to a few individuals.  Alternatively, for the largest requests it may require an elaborate production geared to many target audiences.  Either way, the objective is relatively straight forward.  State 'Here's where we're at'.  And seek approval for "Where do we go from here'?

    The TMO presents the materials produced during prior steps.  Recall, at this point, the response to the Request involves one or more Epics and/or Solutions.  Anything smaller was addressed during an earlier Portfolio Management step or task.

    If Request will affect multiple Solutions, then package any presentations at the Solution level.  Particularly for larger, transformative change, it is rarely a case of "all or nothing".  So, prepare to allow some flexibility.  Additionally, it is a good idea to prepare an umbrella presentation covering any program that will address multiple Solutions.  However, prepare the recommendations and supporting materials for each Solution individually.

    An important reason to present at the Solution level is that each Solution will impact a different audience in a different manner.  The more focused recommendations can be, the easier they are to review and approve.  Similarly, any umbrella presentation can build upon those prepared for the individual Solutions.  This provides both the details needed on a Solution-by-Solution basis, as well as a "bigger picture" for the broader audience.

    Compile Feedback

    A series of reviews follows the presentation of materials.  Each review is appropriate to a distinct audience.  These reviews should occur in sequence - stakeholders first, then Epic Owners, and finally Sponsor review.

    Key Stakeholder Reviews

    The first audience to review individual recommendations are key stakeholders.  Typically, this audience includes:

    Their detailed review should seek to challenge the recommendations.  The intent of these reviews is not to derail progress.  Instead, it is to seek out and address any weak areas.

    Stakeholders are not the approvers.  Rather, they provide assessments and thoughts which decision makers rely upon.  However, some may have the ability to prevent further progress.

    Epic Owner Reviews

    The next audience to review Request recommendations are the Epic Owners.  Any Request reaching this point is comprised of one or more Epics.  And each should have a corresponding Epic Owner.  These individuals will have responsibility to define and deliver some portion of the overall Solution.  As a result, their active, supportive, participation is critical.

    Epic Owners should take Key Stakeholder reviews into account.  Further, they will add their own thoughts, concerns, and recommendations.  After all, it will be their business actions, their resources, and their results that will make or break the Solution's success for their Business Segment.  These individuals often have the most influence over the Sponsor review.

    Obtain Sponsor Approval

    The final review audience to review recommendations to fulfill the Request are its Sponsor(s).  Typically, Sponsors have, or share, ultimate ownership of Solutions which support their organization.

    Sponsors are responsible for marshalling and managing organizational support.  That means they are socializing proposed change with executives.  They are also preparing the organization for the budget impact.  If they cannot gain buy-in from their peers and superiors, then further work on the Request should not happen.

    The Sponsor review will decide whether to accept one or more of the recommended alternatives.  Alternatively, the Sponsor(s) may believe that some re-work is warranted before accepting any alternative.  In that case, a Sponsor may return the Feature (Request) to an earlier state.

    The actions above lead up to the Sponsor review and approval to proceed.  The actions below occur only if approval is granted.  If subsequent work is not approved, then send the Feature (Request) backwards in Portfolio Management tasks for re-work.

    Obtain Capacity Commitments & Schedule

    A lot of work is about to get underway.  Conceptually, great!

    Practically, "rho rho raggy"!!

    For each affected Solution, add an Elaborate Story named 'Complete Capacity Plan - <Solution Name>' to the Release Backlog.

    The TMO must identify the participants and other resources needed for further progress.  Additionally, they must also obtain commitments that those resources have the capacity to carry out the work needed.  In some cases, this may mean pushing off next steps.  Sometimes that is for weeks, months, or even longer.  It all depends upon existing commitments, as well as resource availability.

    If the amount of pending work exceeds the capacity of internal resources, this is the time to identify external Consultants and/or Solution Integrators.  These entities can provide supplemental resources.  Indeed, they are frequently used on larger initiatives.  Moreover, they can often provide immediate knowledge capital and competence with new applications and technologies.  Over time, they can transition knowledge to internal resources.

    Seek Investment Approval (if needed)

    Many organizations have thresholds beyond which require additional approvals for large investments.  For instance, if the cost of further work is anticipated to exceed $500K, perhaps a review by an Executive Investment Committee (EIC) is called for.  The actual threshold, and actual approver(s) will vary, company-by-company, if such a threshold exists at all.

    In cases where there are impacts to multiple Solutions, it may be best to seek investment approvals on a Solution-by-Solution basis.  This may help clarify the investment's purpose.

    If needed, and as appropriate, add an Elaborate Story named 'Obtain Investment Approval - <Solution Name>' to the Release Backlog.

    Align New Epics to Existing Solutions (when appropriate)

    Any new or modified Epic(s) which align to an existing Solution now move to that Solution.

    Adding or modifying an Epic indicates a change to the Solution's approved scope.  It may affect the Solution's budget.  Further it may also affect staffing, and 3rd party participation.

    The TMO will work with Solution Management to add the Epic(s) to the Solution, or to modify the Epic(s) already within it.  If not already in place, they will also facilitate the creation of Epic Pages.

    Solution Management should re-run Solution Planning Levels 1, 2 and 3, incorporating the new Epic(s), along with any Features and Stories to associate with it.  Alternatively, if the extent of change warrants it, then it may be better to prepare for another Solution Phase.

    To ensure transition occurs successfully, add an Elaborate Story named 'Align Epic(s) with <Solution Name>' to the Release Backlog.

    Participation & Updates to the WMS

    The TMO is responsible for promoting Features (Requests) into this state.  They are also responsible for managing work related to the Feature while in this state.  To indicate to stakeholders which Features are currently undergoing Sponsor Review, the TMO moves them right on the Elaborate Feature Board, from the 'Options" column, into the "Sponsor Review" column.

    Further, the TMO indicates which Features (Request) have a higher or lower priority relative to other Features in this state by moving them up or down within the 'Sponsor Review' column.  The higher the Features in this column, the higher its priority; the lower the Feature, the lower its priority.

    Finally, the TMO may also update the Feature in the WMS using the following guidelines.  Items in red generally do not change.

    WMS Field
    Feature Attribute
    WMS Field
    Feature Attribute
    Feature Name This is the 'Title' given the Feature (Request). Raised By WMS ID of SO / Bus / SME to ‘Accept’.
    Issue Type (as originally added - 'Feature') Reporter (as originally added)
    Summary Use same value as ‘Feature Name’. Assignee WMS ID of person currently responsible for the analysis.
    Description The updated ‘Benefit’ description. Business Value Only if measurable values / metrics are available.
    SAFe Epic N/A DBP Start N/A
    Acceptance Criteria All ‘Acceptance Criteria’ identified. DBP End N/A
    Team If known, identify Team that will work (assess, define, elaborate) Feature. External ID As appropriate.
     T-Shirt Sizing The updated the T-Shirt ‘Size Estimate’. Attachment As appropriate.
     Release ID If known, identify estimated Release. Comment As needed.

    What's Next

    If fulfilling the Request only requires addition of new Epic(s) to existing Solution(s), then the TMO will work with existing Solution leaders to add the Epic(s) to their Solution.  In due time, the new Epic(s) will trigger a new Phase for each affected Solution.  Subsequently, if there is no additional change needed to fulfill the Request, then the TMO may close the Feature.  At that point, the Request requires no further Portfolio Management work.

    Alternatively, if there remains a need to introduce one or more new Solutions, then the TMO will progress the Feature (Request) on to PT3 - Step 4 of 6 - Solution Selection.

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