PT2 - Step 4 of 4: "Ready"

The fourth of four (4 of 4) steps in PT2 - Ideate Stories tracks the Ideate Stories which make the parent Business Request "Ready" to Elaborate.  In short, this column contains the Ideate Stories for which the corresponding artifact is complete.

In time, all Ideate Stories related to a parent Feature (Request) become "Ready".  At that point, the Business Request itself becomes "Ready" for Elaboration.

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    Ideate Stories - Step 4 of 4: "Ready"

    What's Before

    Prior to this step, in PT2 - Step 3 of 4: In Review, the TMO sought approvals from relevant stakeholders for the artifact in question.

    Business Request

    What's Happening Now

    In this step, the completed Ideate Story joins the other Stories related to the parent Feature (Request).  As each Story moves into this state, the parent Business Request becomes closer to being "Ready" to Elaborate.

    At this point, all that is required is for ongoing monitoring that the Stories related to the Feature continue to make progress.  This is done until the last Ideate Story arrives here.

    At that point, the parent Feature will progress as per PT1 - Step 5 of 5: Manage "Ready" Features.  There is no further work for Ideate Stories related to the parent Feature.


    To Gain this State

    While in this State

    To Attain the Next State

    • A Story will progress to this state, when the TMO receives notice that required stakeholders approve completion of the corresponding artifact.  In other words, no further work is expected on the artifact.


    • There is no path for an Ideate Story to regress to this state.
    • TMO monitors the progression of other Ideate Stories related to the same parent Feature (Request).
    • TMO will trigger the move of the parent Business Request from 'In Analysis" to "Review" once the final Ideate Story is complete.
    • This is the final state for an Ideate Story.  It will remain in this state until it is removed when the parent Feature progresses on to "Done" in Portfolio Task 3.

    Monitor Progression of Related Stories

    Above all, the objective is to make individual Features "Ready".  Of course, doing so is the result of completing all Ideate Stories related to the parent Feature (Request).  Some Ideate Stories will come together easily.  Others will be more difficult.  Often, the ease, or difficulty, relates more to the Business Request's subject matter, rather than that of an individual Ideate Story.

    So, in monitoring the progression of related Stories, look for opportunities to close out the work required of individual Features (Requests).  In practice, this means paying attention to the priority of other Ideate Stories, related to other Features (Requests).  Looking to each Story, in each column of the Ideate Stories Board, watch for opportunities to re-prioritize work that will help close out the Ideate Stories related to a Feature.  It is better to close out Features (i.e., make them "Ready") than to keep a larger number in-flight.

    Once the final Ideate Story related to a given Feature (Request) is "Ready", then the parent Feature itself becomes "Ready".  As a result, after moving the last of the Ideate Stories into this state, the TMO member monitoring the parent Business Request will either execute the actions prescribed by PT1 - Step 5 or 5, or will prompt another, appropriate, TMO member to do so.

    Participation & Updates to the WMS

    The TMO member responsible for the parent Feature (Request) will monitor the progress of its related Ideate Stories.  This is done by viewing the Feature within the WMS.  All related Stories, along with their current status, should appear.  Once all related Stories are "Ready", the Feature itself may progress.

    What's Next

    This is the last step for an Ideate Story.  The Stories will remain in this state until removed from the Ideate Stories Board by the TMO.

    For Features (Requests) selected to move on, into Elaborate, new Elaborate Stories will replace these Ideate Stories.  The Ideate Stories themselves never progress on to "Done".

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