Aligning ITM with TOGAF

The second of four (2 of 4) models with which the ITM seeks to align is The Open Group's Architectural Framework (TOGAF).

In general, portions of the ITM which relate to Products and Systems trace back to corresponding objects within TOGAF.

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The Open Group Architectural Framework (TOGAF)

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    TOGAF Model

    TOGAF Overview

    The Open Group Architectural Framework (TOGAF) is an Enterprise Architecture methodology and framework used by many of the world’s leading organizations to improve business efficiency.   Organizations apply the model to help provide consistent standards, methods and communications across IT and the overall Enterprise.  (Very) Long-story short, this page describes how IT initiatives align to the TOGAF framework.

    In very broad strokes, as is appropriate for Architecture-level content, there are three levels of abstraction relevant to aligning IT Architecture with related Portfolio Management, Business Process and Product or System Delivery initiatives (i.e., all but IT Service Delivery).

    Level 1      Application Platforms      Technology Platforms
    Level 2           Logical Applications           Logical Technologies
    Level 3                Physical Applications                Physical Technologies

    Two basic TOGAF Reference Model diagrams depict these layers:

    In turn, each of these models supports the enterprise IT Application & Technology Architecture Roadmaps.

    How the ITM Aligns with TOGAF

    Referring to the Application Architecture Reference Model, the primary objects which align Portfolio Management, Business Process Definitions, Iterative Solution Planning and Iterative Solution Implementation are:

    • TOGAF Physical Applications = ITM Products for Delivery
      That is, a single TOGAF Physical Application maps to a single Product Solution in the ITM.

    Referring to the Technology Architecture Reference Model, the primary objects which align Portfolio Management, Iterative Solution Planning, and Iterative Solution Implementation are:

    • TOGAF Physical Technologies, Logical Technologies or Technology Platforms = ITM Systems for Delivery.
      That is, a single TOGAF item maps to a single System Solution in the ITM.
      Which one (1) of the three (3) levels to use is at the discretion of the System Manager for each.

    Determination of which TOGAF level to apply as an ITM System is driven by the amount of change anticipated and is selected by the System Manager (i.e., the individual responsible for the overall System) and/or Enterprise Architect.  For technologies expecting minimal change, the Technology Platform may be the appropriate map to a System; technologies anticipating moderate change may map the Logical Technology to a System; and technologies anticipating frequent change should map the Physical Technology to the System.


    Aligned to the selected Products and Systems will be Epics, as described in Aligning ITM with SAFe.

    Other TOGAF references and relationships work as described internally by their models.

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