CLM - Step 1 of 6: Intake Funnel

The first of six (1 of 6) steps in Capability Lifecycle Management.  In the ITM, an Agile Capability groups multiple Features across two or more Epics, even across multiple Solutions.

Similar to Themes, which organizes change within a single Solution, Capabilities offer the ability to organize discrete changes into a larger, broader change.

Each step in Capability Lifecycle Management offers a simple means to inform stakeholders of a change's progress, abstracting Portfolio Task details.

Capability Lifecycle - Step 1 of 6: Intake Funnel

What's Before

Previously, the TMO accepted a new Customer Request for Change into the Portfolio Backlog.  See Portfolio Task 1 - Step 1 of 5 for more information.

After rationalizing the Request, and assessing it for Portfolio value and risk, the TMO determined the Request may be fulfilled using two or more existing Solutions.  As a result, they recognize the opportunity to establish a new Agile Capability.  Thereafter, stakeholders can monitor progress of the related change towards completion.

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    Agile Capability

    What's Happening Now

    An initial assessment conducted during Portfolio Task 1 - Step 2 of 4: Portfolio Roadmap indicates that updates to existing Solutions may fulfill a Request for Change.

    Accordingly, the TMO will work with relevant Solution Managers to add appropriate Features to corresponding Solution Backlogs.  Each Manager must agree to accept the business value increment(s) proposed for their Solution.  If they do not, the Request may require alternative changes.

    The TMO establishes a new Capability that will reference each new, related Feature.  As a result, each Agile Capability allows all stakeholders to view a progress summary encompassing all Features, rather than needing to track each Feature individually.


    To Gain this State

    While in this State

    To Attain the Next State

    • To appear in this state, the TMO, or other authorized entity, suggests that changes to existing Solutions may fulfill a Customer's Request for Change, or portion thereof.


    • A Capability previously further along in its lifecycle may regress to this state if some impediment prevents its current progress, and removal of that impediment is expected at some point.  If the impediment is permanent, then remove the Capability and re-assess the Request.
    • If existing Solutions fulfill the entire Request, then the corresponding Portfolio Epic will transition into a Capability.  Since fulfilling the Request will use existing Epics, the TMO will remove the Portfolio Epic from further Portfolio Task steps.
    • Alternatively, existing Solutions may fulfill only portions of a Request.  In that case, a Portfolio Epic may spin-off one or more Capabilities.  Accordingly, updates to the Portfolio Epic will reflect only the remainder of the Request to fulfill.  Thereafter, the Portfolio Epic and Capability(ies) continue on, to fulfill the entirety of the Request.
    • While in this state, the Agile Capability need only have an initial, high-level definition of the desired outcome.
    • When the TMO has capacity to further define the Capability, it will progress to the next step.

    Participation & Updates to the WMS

    In general, Capabilities on this board summarize the progress of multiple Features related to a change to inform Epic Owners, Business / Process Owners, and other stakeholders.  Indeed, these steps do not manage work.  Rather, management of each related Feature occurs within each Solution's independent delivery cycles.  Accordingly, there is rarely additional work here, beyond that which updates the WMS as follows.

    The TMO adds the Capability to the Capability Lifecycle Board.  Ideally, they should include, or attach, the Portfolio Epic High-Level Definition, or applicable portion thereof, previously created.

    What's Next

    The TMO will progress an Agile Capability from this state when it begins working with relevant Solution Managers.

    At that point, proceed to the next step, CLM - Step 2 of 6: Reviewing.

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