Test Planning

This part of Iterative Solution Testing describes the framework for Test Planning associated with each Solution.

After reviewing the content on this page, look to the following pages for additional information on each topic.

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    This part has yet to be migrated.  Expect an updated version within the next few weeks.

    Solution Testing Framework

    Each Solution has a

    • Test Strategy - which
    • Test Approach -
    • Test Plans -

    Testing Strategy

    A Solution's Testing Strategy describes the general Test Types that will be used in development and delivery of the Solution.  It also describes the various Test Components (scripts, scenarios, data) and how each is prepared.

    Subsequent detail about the timing of tests, the environments in which they occur, the various levels of testing and an overview of test development and execution can be found in the corresponding Testing Approach.

    Testing Approach

    Building upon the Test Strategy, a Solution's Testing Approach describes the levels of testing using the related Test Types.  It also introduces concepts related to the timing of the various Test Types, the roles which create and execute individual Tests, and the Envrionments in which each type of testing is to occur.

    Finally, the setup and use of any selected testing tools is provided.

    Test Plans

    The Test Approach introduced levels and timing for testing.  Individual Test Plans identify the Tests to be carried out for each level, each time.

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