Template Timeline - Monthly Release Schedule

The fourth of seven (7) Iterative Planning Timeline Templates depicts a summary of tasks related to a medium-term iteration, or Release.

Solution Timeline Template - for Releases (Monthly)

The Template below provides a basic outline of the actions required to manage a Release and when each action should occur.

For any specific Solution, use this along with the desired Long-Term Planning Template (Product, System or Service) and Short-Term Planning Template to compile an overall Planning Timeline Template for the Solution.

Note that the numbers in the orange circles represent: weeks in the Medium-Term.

Medium-Term Plans - Releases

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    Level 3 Planning: Medium-Term (1 Month) - Releases

    Timeline - Monthly Release

    Release's Last Sprint

    Each Build cycle is comprised of a set number of Sprints.  The first is referred to as Release Sprint A (S/A), the next Sprint B (S/B), and so on.

    For a Solution using a Monthly Release schedule, the Release's Last Sprint is the 2nd, or Sprint B (S/B).

    Following a Release's Last Sprint, the next Release iteration will begin and the first Sprint of that Release is again referred to as Release Sprint A.

    Because the Release values change, there will always be a unique identifer for individual Sprint and Release iterations.  For example:

    • Rel 21.01 S/A - first Sprint of Release 21.01; which is the first Release targeted for Production in 2021.
    • Rel 21.01 S/B - second Sprint of Release 21.01;
    • Rel 21.02 S/A - first Sprint of Release 21.02; which is the second Release targeted for Production in 2021.

    Other Standard Schedules

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