Sample Planning Template - System w/ Monthly Releases

The third of three (3) Sample Planning Timelines combines three Iterative Planning Timeline Templates to depict short-term, medium-term and long-term tasks related to a System Solution.

Sample Solution Planning Timeline: System w/ a Monthly Release Schedule

In this example, three (3) Templates are combined to provide a basic outline of the actions required to manage the System's delivery and when each action should occur.

Note that the numbers in the orange circles represent: days in the Short-Term; weeks in the Medium-Term; and stages in the Long-Term relative to the iteration (or cycle) depicted.

Short-Term Plans - Each Sprint

On This Page
    Add a header to begin generating the table of contents

    Level 4 Planning: Short-Term (2 Weeks) - Sprints

    Timeline - Sprints

    Medium-Term Plans - Each Release

    Level 3 Planning: Medium-Term (1 Month) - Releases

    Timeline - Monthly Release

    Long-Term Plans - Each Phase

    Level 2 Planning: Long-Term (Stages within a Phase) - Systems

    Timeline - Systems
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