Solution Collaboration Tool (SCT)

This part of Iterative Solution Operations describes the tool(s) in which Solution participants collaborate, and communicate information related to the Solution.

After reviewing the content on this page, check out the additional infomation on the following topics.

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    Work in Progress

    This part has yet to be migrated.  Expect an updated version within the next few weeks.

    Facilitating Solution Collaboration and Communication

    The iterative approach defined by the ITM is enabled via a few core systems and tools.  Something which supports collaboration and communication among Solution stakeholders is one of the most important.

    There are many tools available, from basic freeware options to top-of-the-line enterprise systems.  Each has strengths and weaknesses and none is clearly better than alternatives when looked at as stand-alone tools.  Where differences become clearer is in considering the capabilities provided by any given tool and how well that tools works with, or integrates to/from, related systems which will also be used to support the given Solution.

    Many organizations have settled upon an single (preferably) or a few (less optimally) enterprise standards for Work Management.  Other organizations have yet to reach that level of maturity.

    Regardless of the tool(s) chosen, the sections below describe how the tool needs to be configured in order to support the ITM.  If the tool chosen does not have the capabilities described below, then it's probably not suitable for the scope and scale of work for which the ITM is designed.

    Sample Collaboration Tools include:

    • Confluence
    • Azure DevOps
    • Version One

    Solution Information Structure

    To begin, this part prescribes a high-level, overall structure suitable to all Solution types.  Whether a Product, System or Service, the relevant information for each Solution can easily be organized in a clear, consistent manner.

    Business Information

    Within the overall Solution Information Structure, the first top-level page organizes information which relates primarily to a Business perspective.  This area of the stucture is more relveant for Products, but will still organize infomation relevant to Systems and Services.

    Technology Information

    The next top-level page organizes information which relates primarily to the technical aspects of the Solution.

    Architecture Information

    to migrate


    Testing Information

    to migrate

    Change Management Information

    to migrate

    Solution Management Information

    to migrate

    Information Templates

    to migrate

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