Solution Retrospectives

The third of four (3 of 4) Parts in Iterative Solution Reporting describes the cyclical Retrospectives built into Solution Delivery.  Stakeholders use these recurring events to identify improvement opportunities on a regular basis.

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    What's Working, What's Not: Retrospectives

    Retrospectives are the ceremonies which occur at the end of each cycle, or iteration.  They are a time to reflect upon what worked, what didn't, and to explore opportunities for improvement.

    Sprint Retrospective

    The final activity of each Sprint is the Sprint Retrospective.  During this activity, Team members are asked for their thoughts on the Team's overall performance as well as their individual part.  However, the objective is not to call out others.  Rather, it is to collaboratively seek opportunities for meaningful improvement.  Ideally, as improvements are adopted, the Team's overall performance, as measured by their Velocity, should increase.  Sprint Retrospectives are conducted on a Team-by-Team basis.

    Refer to Sprints for timing of the Retrospective in relation to other Sprint-related activities.

    Release Retrospective

    The final activity of each Release is the Release Retrospective.  This is when all Solution participants are solicited for their thoughts on the overall performance of Solution Delivery as well as their individual contribution.  Again, the objective is not to call out others.  It is to collaboratively seek opportunities for improvement.  As such improvements are adopted, the overall performance of individual Teams, as measured by their Capacity, should increase.  Release Retrospectives are conducted with everyone involved in the Solution's delivery.

    Refer to Releases for timing of the Retrospective in relation to other Release-related activites.

    Phase Retrospective

    The final activity of each Phase is the Phase Retrospective.  This is when senior Solution participants are solicited for their thoughts on the overall performance of Solution Delivery as well as their individual contribution.  Again, the objective is not to call out others.  It is to collaboratively seek opportunities for improvement.

    Refer to Solution Phases for timing of the Retrospective in relation to other Phase-related activites.

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