Solution KPIs

The second of four (2 of 4) Parts in Iterative Solution Reporting describes the Agile metrics, or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), which various stakeholders use to measure Solution Delivery productivity.

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    Add a header to begin generating the table of contents
    Work in Progress

    This part has yet to be migrated.  Expect an updated version within the next few weeks.

    What Gets Measured Gets Managed: How Well are we Doing?

    Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are metrics and measures used to gauge productivity and quality.

    Release-Level KPIs

    "Healthy" Feature Backlog

    to migrate

    Refer to IT1: Feature Planning for more information about making Features "Ready" for inclusion into a Release.

    Release Capacity

    to migrate

    Refer to IT3: Feature Release for more information about a Team's Capacity.

    Sprint-Level KPIs

    Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are metrics and measures used to gauge productivity and quality.

    "Healthy" Story Backlog

    to migrate

    Refer to IT2: Story Analysis for more information about making Stories "Ready" for inclusion into a Sprint.

    Sprint Velocity

    to migrate

    Refer to MP4: Story Build for more information about a Team's Velocity

    Quality KPIs

    Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are metrics and measures used to gauge productivity and quality.

    Defect Trend

    to migrate

    to migrate

    Test Coverage

    to migrate

    to migrate

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