Feature Release Board

The last of four (4 of 4) Solution Implementation Boards conveys the state of each Feature as it progresses from being "Ready" to implement, through becoming "Done", and on to deployment in Production.  The Feature Release Board...



On This Page
    Add a header to begin generating the table of contents
    Work in Progress

    This part has yet to be migrated.  Expect an updated version in the next few months.

    Build, Test & Deploy: Feature Release


    Refer to IT1: Feature Planning for more information about making Features "Ready" for inclusion into a Release.

    Refer to IT3: Feature Release for more information about a Team's Capacity.

    Getting Features "Done"

    Columns Progress Left to Right

    to migrate

    Columns Prioritize Top to Bottom

    to migrate

    What Each Column Across the Board Conveys

    Column 1 of 8: "Ready" (Ready)

    to migrate

    Column 2 of 8: Build (In Progress)

    to migrate

    Column 3 of 8: Certification Testing (In Testing)

    to migrate

    Column 4 of 8: Ready for UAT (Ready for Sign-Off)

    to migrate

    Column 5 of 8: UAT Accepted (Done)

    to migrate

    Column 6 of 8: Move to Prod (Move to Prod)

    to migrate

    Column 7 of 8: Inactive in Prod (Inactive in Prod)

    to migrate

    Column 8 of 8: Active in Prod (Active in Prod)

    to migrate

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