Iterative Solution Implementation: Annual – Individual

Solution Implementation: Annual – Individual Subscription

An Iterative Solution Implementation: Annual – Individual subscription offers full access to the entire Iterative Solution Implementation Section of the ITM.  Step-by-step, this Section guides participants through two fundamental stages – Analysis & Design and Build, Test & Deploy.  In general, Analysis & Design involves the work which takes Features and Stories from the Backlog and makes them “Ready” for implementation.  For instance, this is when Teams finalize requirements and make design choices.  Thereafter, Build, Test & Deploy begins with “Ready” Features and Stories, and ends once the work to make each is “Done”.  That is, until their functionality and business value results are acceptable.

In other words, tasks begin and end from a Feature perspective, defining and delivering business value increments that Customers want.  In between, tasks use a Story perspective for participants to design, build, and test desired functionality.  To summarize, Analysis & Design makes individual Features and Stories “Ready” for inclusion in a Release or Sprint.  Thereafter, Build, Test & Deploy takes each from “Ready” to “Done” by the end of each Sprint and Release cycle.

What’s Included

Signing up for 12 months saves 30% off the Monthly subscription for the same content over the same period.  For context, Iterative Solution Implementation is #6 in the graphic below.  To summarize, this Section includes the following Parts:

  • Implementation Approach – Reference: An overview and reference details for all Iterative Implementation materials.
  • Implementation Task 1 – Feature Planning: Steps to conduct business value Analysis & Design, making each MVP increment “Ready” for inclusion in a Release.
  • Implementation Task 2 – Story Analysis: Steps to conduct functionality Analysis & Design, making each Story “Ready” for selection into a Sprint.
  • Implementation Task 3 – Feature Release (Part 1): Initial steps to get the Build, Test & Deploy of prioritized MVP increments underway for a Release.
  • Implementation Task 4 – Story Build: Steps to Build, Test & Deploy prioritized functionality during Sprints. In effect, taking each Story increment from “Ready” to “Done”.
  • Implementation Task 3 – Feature Release (Part 2): Steps to conclude the Build, Test & Deploy of prioritized business value during a Release.  In this case, taking each Feature increment from “Ready” to “Done”, and then on to Production.
  • Other Topics of Interest: In short, expanded discussions on subjects such as: Acceptance Criteria; Definitions of “Ready” and “Done; How to Write Effective Stories; and Estimating Feature and Story Size.

For shorter timeframes than Iterative Solution Implementation: Annual – Individual access, look to a Quarterly or Monthly subscription.

Monthly, Quarterly, or Annual Individual Subscriptions

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