Solution Delivery: Quarterly – Individual

Solution Delivery: Quarterly – Individual Subscription

A Solution Delivery: Quarterly Individual subscription offers full access to the five (5) iterative Sections of the ITM – Solution Planning, Solution Implementation, Solution Testing, Solution Reporting, and Solution Operations.  Whether building upon the Solution Definition Section Group, or on its own, the Section Group Solution Delivery packages all of the ITM’s ‘Agile’ Sections into a single, cost-saving subscription.

Of course, every initiative must recognize that implementing COTS, XaaS, or other packaged software is certainly not the same thing as software development.  Accordingly, the Sections which comprise Solution Delivery include many key adjustments from a traditional “Agile” approach.  In short, these adjustments help drive alignment and consistency amongst all stakeholders.  Moreover, they ensure everyone’s efforts stay on track to provide regular value increments to customers.

These Sections include the tasks which recur over long-term, medium-term, and short-term cycles.  In other words, they address the work which re-occurs throughout a Solution’s Phases, Releases, and Sprints.  Working within the guidelines and guardrails established by Solution Definition, these tasks drive efforts towards achieving the Solution’s long-term objectives.  To begin, this involves prioritizing backlog Features and Stories and making each “Ready” for delivery. That is, Analysis & Design.  Thereafter, various tasks make and test each change, moving Features and Stories from “Ready” to “Done”.  In other words, Build, Test & Deploy. Throughout each iteration, information gathered helps identify productivity problems and assess corresponding improvements.

What’s Included

Signing up to this Section Group for 3 months saves 33% off the combined Monthly price for the Sections this group includes over the same period.  For context, Solution Delivery is the middle-right bar in the graphic below.  For additional information, or for subscriptions to any individual Section, follow the links below.  To summarize, each Section includes the following Parts:

  • Iterative Solution Planning All Parts, including:
    • Planning Approach – Reference
    • Planning Level 1 – Solution Vision
    • Planning Level 2 – Solution Roadmap
    • Planning Level 3 – Release Planning
    • Planning Level 4 – Sprint Planning
    • Planning Level 5 – Daily Planning
    • Planning Timeline Templates
  • Iterative Solution Implementation  All Parts, including:
    • Implementation Approach – Reference
    • Implementation Task 1 – Feature Planning
    • Implementation Task 2 – Story Analysis
    • Implementation Task 3 – Feature Release (Part 1)
    • Implementation Task 4 – Story Build
    • Implementation Task 3 – Feature Release (Part 2)
    • Other Topics of Interest
  • Iterative Solution Testing  All Parts, including:
    • Test Components & Preparation
    • Defining Test Types
    • Test Development & Execution
    • Test Planning
    • Defect Management
  • Iterative Solution Reporting  All Parts, including:
    • Solution Management Boards
    • Solution KPIs
    • Solution Retrospectives
    • Solution Summary Pages
  • Iterative Solution Operations  All Parts, including:
    • Work Management System
    • Collaboration / Knowledge Base
    • Test Management System
    • Solution Environments
    • Version Control

For shorter or longer access than Solution Delivery: Quarterly – Individual, look to a Monthly or an Annual subscription.

Monthly, Quarterly, or Annual Individual Subscriptions

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