Full ITM: Annual – Individual

Full ITM: Annual – Individual Subscription

A Full ITM: Annual Individual subscription offers full access to all nine Sections of the ITM.  Of course, these include the Sections which comprise Solution Definition – Portfolio Management, Process Definition, and Solution Strategy & Architecture.  Additionally, these also include the Sections which comprise Solution Delivery – Solution Planning, Solution Implementation, Solution Testing, Solution Reporting, and Solution Operations.

Overall, the content in these Sections guides consumers through the implementation of any packaged application or technology.  Whether ERP, CRM, PLM, Cloud, Digital, other transformative change, the actions these Sections describe will help most initiatives.  From the initial ideas for change, all the way through implementation, and on into ongoing support, the Full ITM will help ensure the right people, do the right things, at the right time.  As a result, expect initiatives which follow the Full ITM to improve their odds of success and deliver value more effectively and efficiently.  Moreover, the Full ITM helps consumers to avoid many pitfalls which hinder many organizations and initiatives.  Indeed, the Full ITM can help most initiatives save time and money.  Serious amounts of time, like years.  And serious amounts of money, like millions.

To put it another way, if you do not already use a better model, why not just start with the ITM?

What’s Included

Signing up to the Full ITM for 12 months saves almost 50% off the combined Monthly price for the included Sections over the same period.  For context, Full ITM is bottom bar in the graphic below.  For additional information, or for subscriptions to any individual Section or Section Group, follow the links below.  To summarize, each Section includes the following Parts:

Solution Definition

  • Portfolio Management How to manage and fulfill Requests for Change, of any size.  All Parts, including:
    • Portfolio Approach – Reference
    • Portfolio Task 1 – Ideate Request
    • Portfolio Task 2 – Ideate Stories
    • Portfolio Task 3 – Elaborate Request
    • Portfolio Task 4 – Elaborate Stories
    • Epic Lifecycle Management
    • Capability Lifecycle Management
    • Shared Solution Services; and
    • ITM Alignment with Other Models.
  • Business Process Definition How to effectively define Business Processes for any COTS or SaaS implementations.  All Parts, including:
    • Process Definition Purpose & Use
    • Process Definition Creation & Evolution
    • Creating Definition Diagrams (Flows); and
    • Creating Definition Matrices.
  • Solution Strategy & Architecture How to align any Solution with overall IT Strategy and Enterprise Architecture, and to ensure each implementation starts off on the right foot.  All Parts, including:
    • How to Create Solution Strategies
    • Architecture Diagrams and Solution Components; and
    • How to Create Solution Approaches.

Solution Delivery

  • Iterative Solution Planning How plan for long-, medium- and short-term Solution progress.  All Parts, including:
    • Planning Approach – Reference
    • Planning Level 1 – Solution Vision
    • Planning Level 2 – Solution Roadmap
    • Planning Level 3 – Release Planning
    • Planning Level 4 – Sprint Planning
    • Planning Level 5 – Daily Planning
    • Planning Timeline Templates
  • Iterative Solution Implementation  How to conduct Analysis & Design, as well as Build, Test & Deploy changes.  All Parts, including:
    • Implementation Approach – Reference
    • Implementation Task 1 – Feature Planning
    • Implementation Task 2 – Story Analysis
    • Implementation Task 3 – Feature Release (Part 1)
    • Implementation Task 4 – Story Build
    • Implementation Task 3 – Feature Release (Part 2)
    • Other Topics of Interest
  • Iterative Solution Testing  How to validate changes and build Customer trust in the Solution.  All Parts, including:
    • Test Components & Preparation
    • Defining Test Types
    • Test Development & Execution
    • Test Planning
    • Defect Management
  • Iterative Solution Reporting – How to identify problem areas and target opportunities for improvement.  All Parts, including:
    • Solution Management Boards
    • Solution KPIs
    • Solution Retrospectives
    • Solution Summary Pages
  • Iterative Solution Operations  How to enable and support implementation changes.  All Parts, including:
    • Work Management System
    • Collaboration / Knowledge Base
    • Test Management System
    • Solution Environments
    • Version Control

For shorter timeframes than Full ITM: Annual – Individual access, look to a Quarterly or Monthly subscription.

Monthly, Quarterly, or Annual Individual Subscriptions

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