Apply the ITM for Specific Objectives and Projects - Transformation Project Coaching

The second part of the How to Apply the ITM takes a different perspective than the ones previously introduced For Roles and Teams.   Here we look at applying the ITM in a slightly broader perspective.  Whereas the prior page looked to Agile coaching for Roles and Teams, the Model also offers Project coaching for specific objectives and broader interests.  So, in addition to viewing how the Model can benefit individual Roles, it is also helpful to look at typical Objectives and Projects which could benefit by using the Model.

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    In any organization, a single weak area will impede overall success.  Similarly, that may be the case on a specific initiative, even in an organization that is otherwise quite competent in that area.  Whether due to resource constraints or lack of experience, a weak area is just as harmful as a weak team member.  By not adequately contributing a critical portion, the overall initiative suffers, and may even fail.  In contrast, get the objective of each area right, and the overall initiative will flourish.

    Many people equate a Project with a Solution.  In fact, they are different.  For example, it is quite possible for a single Project to deal with more than one Solution.  Conversely, it is also possible for a single Solution to be worked by more than one Project.  Generally, even in cases where there appears to be a 1-to-1 relationship, take note that the Project will typically wind up long before the Solution is retired.  The Model builds-in these distinctions, allowing for better execution of both Projects and Solutions.

    For Specific Objectives

    To begin, let's look at the specific objectives involved with establishing and executing a successful transformation initiative or enterprise software implementation.  Traditional Project coaching may guide viewers to some subset of these objectives.  However, for an Iterative Transformation approach, expect to revisit each objective multiple times over the course of a Solution's lifecycle.  Therefore, it becomes more important to achieve a decent level of competency in each objective.

    Project coaching for a non-iterative approach may highlight a failure of any one area need not doom the entire initiative.  Alternatively, Project coaching for an iterative approach will highlight that failure in any one of these objectives will impede progress, raise costs, and delay value.  All things which an iterative approach strives to avoid.

    Get Organized

    The first objectives in which the ITM can help is in establishing common context and terminology.  Undoubtedly, success is difficult when everyone is doing their own thing, and speaking their lingo.  So, some alignment and consistency go a long way towards enabling success.

    How to Organize provides the basics on how to work with each of the following to enable Iterative Transformation: 

    • Enterprise Content
    • Enterprise Solutions
    • Solution Timeframes
    • Participants and Roles

    Get Off on the Right Foot

    Another objective in which the ITM can help is setting proper boundaries and putting first-things first.  Even if Portfolio Management is not used in your organiztion, there are key aspects which can help define individual Solutions, as well as prepare for their delivery.

    Look to Portfolio Management Processes for guidance on:

    • Solution Portfolio Approach - Reference
    • Portfolio Task 1 of 4: Ideate Feature (Request)
    • Portfolio Task 2 of 4: Ideare Stories
    • Portfolio Task 3 of 4: Elaborate Feature (Request)
    • Portfolio Task 4 of 4: Elaborate Stories
    • Epic Lifecycle Management
    • Capability Lifecycle Management

    Align to Business & IT Strategies

    Nothing make an initiative harder, or more likely to fail, than trying to fit a square pegs into a round holes.  Of course, some people just want to get going and demonstrate some progress.  However, if they're actively working against other initiatives, or competing for limited resources, their efforts become an uphill battle.  Alternatively, by aligning with enterprise objectives up front, any initiative will face fewer impediments and enjoy greater success.  

    Solution Strategy & Architecture will provide guidance on producing:

    • Architectural Diagrams
    • Strategies for Integration, Data Migration, Testing, etc.
    • Approaches for Applications, Reporting, Operations, etc.

    Determine Business Objectives

    What are you trying to achieve?  Obviously, some folks understand a few high-level objectives.  But where is the devil?  In the details, of course.

    Hence, everyone should agree that defining what the business wants is important.  Unfortunately, all too often this objective is skipped over, or merely given a cursory glance.  If there is one thing that can improve an initiative's probability of success, it is this.  Undeniably, the minor amount of time it takes to get everyone on the same page is a small fraction of the time that will be saved.  Indeed, having the right information, available at the right time, makes all other work faster, easier, and of better quality. 

    Understand that this not a "nice to have".  Rather, this objective is an important step in requirements gathering, analysis, and design.  It supports both Solution definition, and later Solution delivery. Business Process Definition is designed specifically for enterprise application implementations.  As such, it provides guidance on how to efficiently and effectively capture business needs, by describing:

    • Purpose and Use of Process Definitions
    • Process Definition Creation and Evolution
    • Creating Process Definition Diagrams
    • Process Matrices

    Plan for Long-, Med- & Short-Terms

    If your initiative only looks at Sprints, you are probably going to struggle.  In reality, there are 11 other planning tasks which should occur prior to Sprint planning.  Obviously, skipping those tasks eliminates many controls that would otherwise help ensure an initiative's success.

    In fact, three levels of iteration are recommended for each initiative.  Importantly, each offers it's own Plan > Do > Check > Adjust (PDCA) cycle.  Long-term Phases; Medium-term Releases; and Short-term Sprints.  In general, each level provides a different audience an opportunity to affect a Solution's trajectory.  Additionally, each provides a means to align higher, and lower, level actions.  Moreover, each also allows opportunities to coordinate efforts in one Solution with those others. 

    Look to Iterative Solution Planning for very detailed guidance on:

    • Planning Approach - Reference
    • Planning Level 1 of 5: Solution Vision
    • Planning Level 2 of 5: Solution Roadmap
    • Planning Level 3 of 5: Release Planning
    • Planning Level 4 of 5: Sprint Planning
    • Planning Level 5 of 5: Daily Planning
    • Iterative Planning Timeline Templates

    Analysis & Design + Build & Test

    Have you come across the scanrio where Vendors or Teams just dive right into Sprints and Stories?  After all, that's being Agile, right?

    Wrong!  Indeed, there is a place for Sprints and Stories.  However, they need to exist within a larger framework.  That is, something which provides context where Sprints and Stories cannot.  In short, that context is provided by Epics and Features; by Phases and Releases.  Ignore those and you'll soon find an initiative where folks may be busy, but where nothing is getting "Done".  

    Iterative Solution Implementation includes step-by-step guidance for analysis & design, making Features and Stories "Ready" for delivery.  Also, it includes guidance for building, testing and deploying change, taking Features and Stories through to "Done".

    • Implementation Approach - Reference
    • Implementation Task 1 of 4: Feature Planning
    • Implementation Task 2 of 4: Story Analysis
    • Implementation Task 3 of 4: Feature Release
    • Implementation Task 4 of 4: Story Build
    • Other Implementation Topics of Interest

    Build Trust in the Future State

    Transformative change is hard.  It is also risky.  An organization needs to know that new features, functions, procedures, and systems, will not negatively impact operations.

    Therefore, a sound test approach, and transparency of test results, is vital to the success of any change initiative.  It is not reasonable, nor wise, to expect customers to accept change which they do not understand, or which they cannot trust.  Fortunately, proper testing can alleviate both of those challenges.

    Look to Iterative Solution Testing for details on:

    • Test Components and their Preparation
    • Test Types, and their purpose
    • Test Development and Execution
    • Test Planning and Reporting
    • Defect Management

    Monitor & Measure for Success

    Ever heard the addage 'If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there'?  While it can apply to planning problems, it is equally appropriate for describing performance expectations.  A cornerstone of iterative approaches is the idea doing things over and over should lead to better results.  In other words, results should improve over time.

    Here's another addage - 'What gets measured, gets managed'.  In other words, if metrics are not being captured, how can anyone know whether things are getting better (or worse)?  Capturing the right information, and using it appropriately, are key enablers to achieve ongoing improvement.

    See Iterative Solution Reporting for perspectives and insights into an initiative's health. 

    • Solution Retrospectives
    • Solution KPIs
    • Solution Implementation Boards
    • Solution Summary Pages

    An Effective Work Environment

    Enabling participants to be successful is a vital aspect of transformative change.  That is to say, providing effective work and test management capabilities is important.  It also means establishing a balance between the needs of various groups - development, testing, quality assuarance, customers - and the resource constraints imposed on each.

    Putting the right processes and tools in place - or, more accurately, configuring those tools properly - can make or break an initiative.  On one hand, too little flexibility impedes improvement opportunities.  On the other hand, too much flexibility and people waste time on unproductive tasks.   

    Iterative Solution Operations offers a guidance on establishing a stting with enough flexibility to enable improvement, and enough structure to always know who's doing what. Together, these ensure things are moving effeciently in the right direction. 

    • Work Management System
    • Test Management System
    • Solution Environments
    • Solution Version Control

    For Specific Projects

    To begin with, let's make a quick clarification.  Projects and Solutions often appear to be one and the same.  However, they frequently are not.  To illustrate, a Project typically ends much earlier than a new Solution.  In the same fashion, it is not uncommon for a Project to be spun up to affect significant change to an existing Solution.  Conversely, long after that Project concludes, the related Solution(s) will live on.

    To put is another way, a given Project may affect multiple Solutions.  Alternatively, a single Solution may support multiple Projects.  For example, consider an enterprise Solution where one Project addresses Finance and another Supply Chain.  Depending upon the core application, both may be working on the same Solution. In this case, each Project may progress on its own.  However, each will need to take into consideration some aspects common to both,.

    ITM for Projects

    Project vs. Solution

    Given the distinction between Projects and Solutions, let's consider a few ground rules that typical Project coaching may not cover.  To begin with, many aspects people normally associate with Project Management, are, in fact, owned by the Solution.

    To demonstrate, here are a few examples...


    Within any Solution Phase, timeframes should be consistent.  A Sprint takes 10 working days (typically), and a Release somewhere between 2 and 6 Sprints.  A Project may not get to change those timeframes.  Specifically, it should not be permitted to arbitrarily extend a Sprint, or to add / remove a Sprint from a Release in order to suit some (seemingly urgent) time constraint.

    Management Tools

    Similarly, a Project may not get to choose the Work or Test Management systems used.  Imagine one Project working in Azure DevOps, and another working in Atlassian Jira, as both work on the same application.  Can it be done?  Sure.  Is it a good idea?  Absolutely not.  In fact, where there is an enterprise standard - a best practice - even the Solution may not get to choose the management systems.

    Roles & Processes

    In addition, many Roles supporting a Project's initiatives may exist beyond the bounds of the Project's control.  For example, the DevSecOps folks who support a Solution will establish many of the processes relating to Work Management and Change Control.  In fact, multiple Projects working on the same Solution will have to share a single DevSecOps group.  Each Project cannot have its own group.

    Many other aspects associated with a traditional Project are determined by the Solution.  Not the other way around.  In other words, a Project must work with, not against, Solution standards.

    That said, during a period in which there is a 1-to-1 relationship between a Project and a Solution, most of the ITM can be adopted by a Project.  In fact, they are actually being adopted by the Solution.  However, in this window they can be considered one and the same.

    Moreover, during periods when there is not a 1-to-1 relationship, Projects can still apply the ITM to Roles and Teams as needed.  Similarly, they can also apply specific objectives, as described above.  However, the Model's Project coaching cautions against trying to fit everything into "the Project".

    Project Management

    The ITM is not a Project Management approach.  In fact, Project Managers are encouraged to use their PMBOK, PRINCE2, or other standards.  However, the Model's Project coaching insists some allowances be made.  For example, most of the Model's management activities should occur outside of Project Management.  To illustrate, Phase Planning, Release Planning, and Sprint Planning, are more closely aligned with the Solution than with the Project.  Still, there is plenty of project work that occurs beyond the scope of the ITM.  And the Model is designed to work with such efforts.

    Many tasks, such as the following, occur in the Project realm, not the Solution realm:

    • Risk, Issue, and Action Management
    • Resource Management
    • Change Requests
    • Rollout and Change Management
    • Project / Program Management

    From a Project coaching perspective, Sprints and Releases, as well as the work done within each, should simply appear as time-boxes on a project plan.  That is, Project Managers should not dictate what work is to be done.  Rather, that is the responsibility of Solution Owners and Solution Managers, in collaboration with others such as Release Managers, Delivery Teams and Customers.  However, Project Managers do facilitate such work, hence their responsibility for the other tasks.

    General Knowledge

    Above all, the ITM's Project coaching encourages Project & Program Managers, and PMOs in general, to focus upon the work for which they are best suited.  It encourages PMs to be generalists, able to apply their knowledge and skills to work any Solution(s).  On balance, it allows PMs to be effective without needing to deep knowledge of any particular Solution.

    Specific Knowledge

    Accordingly, the Model's Project coaching places expectations for specific knowledge - individual Solutions, applications, or technologies - into other resources who participate in, and otherwise support, a Project initiative.  To better see how to use the ITM for a Project, see how it applies to one or more Solutions.

    Next, look to For Single and Multiple Solutions to see how these objectives, and Projects, are applied to transformative implementations.  Otherwise, select the consumer group below which best describes your interest.

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