Apply the ITM for Roles and Teams - Agile Coaching for Transformation

The first of three (3) perspectives on How to Apply the ITM looks to individual Roles, and the low-level Teams to which several Roles relate.  For many Roles, the Model offers something analogous to Agile Coaching.  In other words, the iterative aspects of Transformation are broken down into forms suitable for helping any individual, fulfilling a specific Role.

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    One difference between the Model and in-person Agile Coaching is that the Model takes a holistic view of the initiative.  That is, overall, what is required for a Transformation initiative to succeed?  Further, it then segments those required efforts by the Roles best suited to produce individual contributions.  Importantly, the Model aligns each Role's efforts.  Thus, enabling participants to achieve productivity levels faster, and higher, than would be obtained without the Model.

    On the other hand, most Agile Coaching is done with a Role-by-Role perspective.  Guidance is provided for individual Roles.  However, it is then up to individuals fulfilling each Role to figure out how to align and work with one another.  Significantly, the Model provides this vital alignment.  Further, the Model strives for more consistency, both Role-by-Role, as well as from one Role to another.  Years of experience and lessons learned are embedded into the Model content aligned to each Role.

    Moreover, Agile Coaching typically ascribes a software development approach.  As noted earlier, Transformation initiatives are not the same as software development.  Specifically, the Model's design is tailored to an iterative approach for such large-scale initiatives.  The Model replaces, or updates, traditional "Agile" tasks with ones better suited to the needs of Package Implementations.  Again, this alleviates individuals from having to figure out how their Role can effectively fit into the bigger picture.

    The ITM For Individual Roles

    The following Roles each contribute towards the overall Model.  After each title, Model topics relevant to the Role are listed.  That's not to say that a given Role does not participate in other activities.  However, the knowledge needed to participate may be provided by others fulfilling the more relevant Role(s).

    In additional to the highlighted topics below, understand that all Roles are expected to have a basic understanding of the topics within How to Organize for Iterative Transformation:

    • Organize Enterprise Content
    • Organize Enterprise Solutions
    • Organize Solution Timeframes; and
    • Organize People for Iterative Transformation

    For information about each Role, as well as its relation to other Roles, simply follow the link associated with the Role title.

    Additionally, for a quick summary of those Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed (RACI) for major model activities, refer to the Solution Delivery RACI matrix.

    1. Iterative Solution Planning:

    • Planning Level 1 of 5: Solution Vision
    • Planning Level 2 of 5: Roadmap Planning
    • Planning Level 3 of 5: Release Planning
    • Planning Level 4 of 5: Sprint Planning

    2. Iterative Solution Implementation:

    • Implementation Task 1 of 4: Feature Planning
    • Implementation Task 2 of 4: Story Analysis
    • Implementation Task 3 of 4: Feature Release
    • Implementation Task 4 of 4: Story Build

    3. Iterative Solution Testing:

    • Test Components & Preparation
    • Defining Test Types
    • Test Development & Execution
    • Test Planning
    • Defect Management

    4. Iterative Solution Operations:

    • Work Management System (WMS)
    • Test Management System (TMS)
    • Solution Enivornments

    1. Portfolio Management Processes:

    • Portfolio Task 3 of 4: Elaborate Feature (Request)
    • Portfolio Task 4 of 4: Elaborate Stories
    • Epic Lifecycle Management
    • Capability Lifecycle Management

    2. Solution Strategy & Architecture:

    • How to Create Solution Strategies
    • Architectural Diagrams & Solution Components
    • How to Create Solution Approaches

    3. Iterative Solution Planning:

    • Planning Level 1 of 5: Solution Vision
    • Planning Level 2 of 5: Solution Roadmap
    • Planning Level 3 of 5: Release Planning

    4. Iterative Solution Implementation:

    • Implementation Task 1 of 4: Feature Planning
    • Implementation Task 3 of 4: Feature Release

    1. Portfolio Management Processes:

    • Portfolio Task 1 of 4: Ideate Feature (Request)
    • Portfolio Task 2 of 4: Ideate Stories
    • Portfolio Task 3 of 4: Elaborate Feature (Request)
    • Portfolio Task 4 of 4: Elaborate Stories
    • Epic Lifecycle Management
    • Capability Lifecycle Management

    2. Solution Strategy & Architecture:

    • How to Create Solution Strategies
    • Architectural Diagrams & Solution Components
    • How to Create Solution Approaches

    3. Iterative Solution Planning:

    • Planning Level 1 of 5: Solution Vision
    • Planning Level 2 of 5: Solution Roadmap

    1. Iterative Solution Planning:

    • Planning Level 4 of 5: Sprint Planning
    • Planning Level 5 of 5: Daily Planning

    2. Iterative Solution Implementation:

    • Implementation Task 1 of 4: Feature Planning
    • Implementation Task 2 of 4: Story Analysis
    • Implementation Task 4 of 4: Story Build

    3. Iterative Solution Testing:

    • Test Development & Execution
    • Test Planning
    • Defect Management

    4. Iterative Solution Reporting:

    • Solution Retrospectives
    • Solution KPIs
    • Solution Imeplementation Boards

    5. Iterative Solution Operations:

    • Work Management System (WMS)
    • Test Management System (TMS)
    • Solution Environments
    • Solution Version Control

    1. Solution Strategy & Architecture:

    • How to Create Solution Strategies
    • Architectural Diagrams and Solution Components
    • How to Create Solution Approaches

    2. Iterative Solution Planning:

    • Planning Level 1 of 5: Solution Vision
    • Planning Level 2 of 5: Solution Roadmap
    • Planning Level 3 of 5: Release Planning

    3. Iterative Solution Implementation:

    • Implementation Task 1 of 4: Feature Planning
    • Implementation Task 2 of 4: Story Analysis
    • Implementation Task 3 of 4: Feature Release
    • Implementation Task 4 of 4: Story Build

    4. Iterative Solution Testing:

    • Test Components & Preparation
    • Test Development & Execution
    • Test Planning

    5. Iterative Solution Operations:

    • Solution Environments
    • Solution Version Control

    This Role should have a decent understanding of all Model topics.  However, particular responsibility applies to:

    1. Portfolio Management Processes:

    • Portfolio Task 3 of 4: Elaborate Feature (Request)
    • Portfolio Task 4 of 4: Elaborate Stories
    • Epic Lifecycle Management
    • Capability Lifecycle Management

    2. Solution Strategy & Architecture:

    • How to Create Solution Strategies
    • Architectural Diagrams and Solution Components
    • How to Create Solution Approaches

    3. Iterative Solution Planning:

    • Planning Level 1 of 5: Solution Vision
    • Planning Level 2 of 5: Solution Roadmap
    • Planning Level 3 of 5: Release Planning

    1. Business Process Definition:

    • Purpose & Use of Process Definitions
    • Process Definition Creation & Evolution
    • Creating Process Definition Diagrams
    • Process Definition Matrices

    2. Iterative Solution Implementation:

    • Implementation Task 1 of 4: Feature Planning
    • Implementation Task 2 of 4: Story Analysis
    • Implementation Task 4 of 4: Story Build

    1. Business Process Definition:

    • Purpose and Use of Process Definitions
    • Process Definition Creation and Evolution
    • Creating Process Definition Diagrams
    • Process Definition Matrices

    2. Iterative Solution Implementation:

    • Implementation Task 1 of 4: Feature Planning
    • Implementation Task 3 of 4: Feature Release

    3. Iterative Solution Testing:

    • Test Development & Execution
    • Test Planning
    • Defect Management

    1. Portfolio Management Processes:

    • Portfolio Task 3 of 4: Elaborate Feature (Request)
    • Epic Lifecycle Management
    • Capability Lifecycle Management

    2. Iterative Solution Planning:

    • Planning Level 1 of 5: Solution Vision
    • Planning Level 2 of 5: Solution Roadmap

    1. Business Process Definition:

    • Process Definition Creation & Evolution
    • Creating Process Definition Diagrams
    • Process Definition Matrices

    2. Iterative Solution Implementation:

    • Implementation Task 1 of 4: Feature Planning
    • Implementation Task 2 of 4: Story Analysis
    • Implementation Task 4 of 4: Story Build

    3. Iterative Solution Operations:

    • Solution Environments
    • Solution Version Control

    1. Iterative Solution Planning:

    • Planning Level 2 of 5: Solution Roadmap
    • Planning Level 3 of 5: Release Planning
    • Planning Level 4 of 5: Sprint Planning

    2. Iterative Solution Implementation:

    • Implementation Task 3 of 4: Feature Release

    3. Iterative Solution Reporting:

    • Solution Retrospectives
    • Solution KPIs

    4. Iterative Solution Operations:

    • Solution Environments
    • Solution Version Control

    1. Portfolio Management Processes:

    • Portfolio Task 1 of 4: Ideate Feature (Request)
    • Portfolio Task 2 of 4: Ideate Stories
    • Portfolio Task 3 of 4: Elaborate Feature (Request)
    • Portfolio Task 4 of 4: Elaborate Stories
    • Epic Lifecycle Management

    2. Solution Strategy & Architecture:

    • How to Create Solution Strategies
    • Architectural Diagrams and Solution Components
    • How to Create Solution Approaches

    3. Iterative Solution Planning:

    • Planning Level 1 of 5: Solution Vision
    • Planning Level 2 of 5: Solution Roadmap

    1. Business Process Definition:

    • Process Definition Creation & Evolution
    • Creating Process Definition Diagrams
    • Process Definition Matrices

    2. Iterative Solution Implementation:

    • Implementation Task 1 of 4: Feature Planning
    • Implementation Task 2 of 4: Story Analysis
    • Implementation Task 4 of 4: Story Build

    3. Iterative Solution Testing:

    • Test Components & Preparation
    • Defining Test Types
    • Test Development & Execution
    • Test Planning
    • Defect Management

    1. Solution Strategy & Architecture:

    • How to Create Solution Strategies
    • Architectural Diagrams & Solution Components
    • How to Create Solution Approaches

    2. Iterative Solution Operations:

    • Work Management System (WMS)
    • Test Management System (TMS)
    • Solution Environments
    • Solution Version Control

    1. Portfolio Management Processes:

    • Portfolio Task 1 of 4: Ideate Feature (Request)
    • Portfolio Task 3 of 4: Elaborate Feature (Request)
    • Epic Lifecycle Management
    • Capability Lifecycle Management

    2. Iterative Solution Planning:

    • Planning Level 1 of 5: Solution Vision
    • Planning Level 2 of 5: Solution Roadmap
    • Planning Level 3 of 5: Release Planning

    The ITM for Teams

    Let's start with a quick clarification.  Not everyone participating in an initiative is 'on the "Team"'.

    Ok, in some respects, maybe they are.  It is good to be inclusive.  As well as to encourage folks to feel they're valued.

    However, within iterative models, "Team" has a specific definition.

    This is a key area in which the Model offers greater value than in-person Agile Coaching.  Typically, the "Agile Manifesto", encourages self-organized Teams.  To figure out who is going to do what.  Comparatively, the Model prescribes the composition of each Team and their objectives.  Self-organization works well when problems have yet to be understood, or when the model being described may apply to myriad types of work.

    However, enterprise software implementations are not new.  Decades of experience are available on what to do - and what not to do.  As the Model prescribes, Teams have a distinctive structure, and deliverables.  While the Model does encourage some degree of self-organization, it does so within the parameters of work needing to be accomplished.  There is little value to be had reinventing wheels or otherwise taking time "to figure out" problems already solved.

    The Foundations upon which Change Occurs

    Teams are the work horses of iterative transformation.  They are the ones who affect change, day-to-day.  They analyze, design, build and test.  Each is a core group.  And each is encouraged to find their own way towards increased productivity and value delivery - within guidelines.  Be aware that Agile coaching guides are not specific to Transformation objectives.

    Any initiative may have a single Team, or may involve dozens of Teams.  The scope and scale of the initiative, along with the desired timelines and budget, will determine an appropraite number of Teams.

    To reiterate, software development does not need the same tasks and outputs as does application implementation.  So, take care when looking to any Agile coaching.  In particular, ask and ensure that any guidance provided is designed to support implementations, not development.  If they say it's the same either way.  They may be too unfamiliar with implementations.

    Agile Coaching for Teams

    If your "Team" interests are broader, meaning all participants, then take a look at applying the ITM for Projects, or for Solutions.

    Agile Coaching for Teams

    The core trio of each Team.  One person has primary responsibility for a business perspective; one has primary responsibility for the application or technology perspective; and one has primary responsibility for a test, or quality, perspective.  Others may be involved, depending upon the type of initiative.  For example, Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), or supplemental resources for one or more core roles, as needed to balance capabilities and capacity for change.  But the core - business, application / technology / test trio is at the heart of each Delivery Team.

    A more general "Team" refers to one core trio, plus the addition of their immediate management - a Scrum Master and a Solution Owner.

    The Scrum Master is responsible for ensuring day-to-day activities and overall Team productivity.  The Product Owner / System Owner / Service Owner is responsible for ensuring that the Delivery Team's work supports the Customer's objectives and priorities.

    Participating Roles

    • Business / Functional Analyst
    • Product / System / Service Analyst
    • Test Analyst

    Relevant Topics

    1. Business Process Definition:

    • Purpose and Use of Process Definition
    • Process Definition Creation and Evolution
    • Creating Process Definition Diagrams
    • Process Definition Matrices

    2. Iterative Solution Planning:

    • Planning Level 3 of 5: Release Planning
    • Planning Level 4 of 5: Sprint Planning
    • Planning Level 5 of 5: Daily Planning

    3. Iterative Solution Imeplementation:

    • Implementation Task 1 of 4: Feature Planning
    • Implementation Task 2 of 4: Story Analysis
    • Implementation Task 4 of 4: Story Build

    4. Iterative Solution Testing:

    • Test Components & Preparation
    • Test Development & Execution
    • Test Planning

    5. Iterative Solution Reporting:

    • Solution Retrospectives
    • Solution KPIs
    • Solution Implementation Boards

    6. Iterative Solution Operations:

    • Work Management System (WMS)
    • Test Management System (TMS)
    • Solution Environments
    • Solution Version Control

    Participating Roles

    • Delivery Team members
    • Scrum Master; and
    • Product / System / Service Owner

    Relevant Topics

    See Relevant Topics for Delivery Teams, plus...

    1. Solution Strategy & Architecture:

    • Architectural Diagrams and Solution Components
    • How to Create Solution Approaches

    2. Iterative Solution Planning:

    • Planning Level 1 of 5: Solution Vision
    • Planning Level 2 of 5: Solution Roadmap

    3. Iterative Solution Implementation:

    • Implementation Task 3 of 4: Feature Release

    4. Iterative Solution Testing:

    • Defect Management

    5. Iterative Solution Reporting:

    • Solution Summary Pages

    Next, look to For Functions and Projects, to see how these Roles and Teams approach transformative implementations.  This is where there the Model really becomes more specific to the needs of Transformative implementations, steering further away from more general, Agile coaching.  Otherwise, select the consumer group below which best describes your interest.

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