For Anyone New to the ITM

Model Orientation

The Iterative Transformation Model is a large and growing knowledge repository.  So, for anyone new to the Model, let's begin with a brief model orientation to put the repository in context.

The Model's primary objective is to improve productivity.  As such, it seeks to drive value from multiple, interrelated actions which relate to the definition and the delivery of transformative, enterprise-level change initiatives.


The Model began as a foundation for enterprise application delivery.  It now extends to concurrent implementations, as well as to broader transformation initiatives - digital and otherwise.  It covers a lot of ground.  Thus, no one should expect to grasp, or apply, the Model after only a cursory review.  Rather, plan to use the Model as reference materials.  To apply for specific topics, as and when needed.

Below is a quick introduction to the Model.  In short, this model orientation is to help new consumers understand where the ITM can benefit them.  In other words, at which points during an initiative's lifecycle might the Model be helpful.  Afterwards, take a look at how the model can help Businesses, Individuals, Solution Implementors and Independent Consultants.

ITM Orientation

Model Structure

The first part of this model orientation describes how such a large body of knowledge is organized.  It defines the Model's multiple levels.  Each represents an additional level of detail.  After that, it describes how varying levels are appropriate for different perspectives.

Subsequently, it expands upon aspects of Sections, Parts and Detail Pages.  In general, describing how access to various Model components is controlled.  This provides context for later considerations of Free Registration and various Subscription alternatives.

Model Content

The second part of the model orientation introduces the Model's content.  It begins by describing how content aligns to lifecycle stages.  These stages apply to any transformative undertaking.

Next, it describes some of ways in which Consumers can benefit from Model content.  Similarly, it explains how to identify and select content that would be appropriate for any given situation.

Next, look at How to Apply the ITM.  Otherwise, select the consumer group below which best describes your interest.

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