For Anyone New to the ITM

Our Audience

Who are the audience?

In short, it is anyone looking to improve the results of transformative application and technology initiatives.  For example, to save time.  Or, by the same token, to lower costs.  To improve the probability of success.  Even to prevent the failures which all too often occur with such initiatives. Above all, it is to improve ROI for you and your customers.

Yeah, that is ambitious.   But so is our cornerstone offering - The Iteratve Transformation Model.


So, who can apply our offerings, and benefit from improved results?  Basically, our audience includes three primary targets:

  • Organizations which seek, fund, and frequently implement, such change;
  • Individuals who participate in such change; and
  • Solution Integrators, Consultants, and even Software Vendors, who are Implementors of  such change.
ITM Audience

This pages offers a brief transition into the ITM.  For a longer answer to the question of the ITM's purpose, look to About the ITM.  Conversely, for more information before moving on to the Model itself, look to the following:

Towards Iterative Transformation

The Roster

Better results from enterprise initiatives are achieved through many small, incremental improvements.  Significantly, the scope and scale of transformative change exposes many improvement opportunities to a variety of participants.  It is through effective participation, and efficient contribution, that initiatives can achieve better overall results.

Undoubtedly, affecting transformation requires participation from a variety of participants, including:

  • Executives, Sponsors, and Business Managers;
  • Architects and IT Managers,
  • Solution Owners and Scrum Masters;
  • Analysts, Delivery Teams, and DevSecOps groups.

In general, the degree to which participants are able to positively (or negatively) affect an initiative can have a large impact on its success (or failure).

The Game Plan

Analogous to transformative change itself, the scope and scale of the Iterative Transformation Model offers opportunities for a variety of participants to improve their game.  As a result, each can provide greater value to the overall effort.

However, success requires more than just better individual effort.  It also requires measures of alignment and consistency that many initiatives fail to achieve.  For example, there is a difference between an NBA team and a pickup game at the gym.  Skills, coaching, and a game plan, each contribute to a more formidable force.  Likewise, the ITM seeks to provide individuals with better skills, teams with better coaching, and everyone with a better game plan.

To implement transformative change, individual participants fulfill certain roles.  Generally, those roles are staffed by people from one of three (1 of 3) consumer groups.  Those groups represent the ITM's audience.

The Execution

The three (3) consumer groups are segemented into:

  • Businesses;
  • Individuals; and
  • Solution Integrators & Independent Consultants (SIs / ICs)

The last group also includes Software Vendors who provide implementation services for their product.

Each group has its own perspective(s).  Accordingly, each can benefit from the ITM in different ways.  Significantly, all are able to apply aspects of the Iterative Transformation Model in order to enhance the value provided to their customers.

Explore how the ITM can help you, your team, and your organization,
achieve transformative solution delivery.

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