Business Process Definition: Annual - Individual

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Afterwards, you can downgrade an Annual subscription to Quarterly or Monthly timeframes.  Alternatively, you can also cancel this subscription at any time.

Process Definition

For even more value, consider a Solution Definition or Full ITM subscription.  Each offers all content in this Section, plus access to additional Iterative Transformation Model (ITM) content.


Basically, a Process Definition: Annual - Individual subscription offers full access to the entire Business Process Definition Section of the ITM.  While all ITM Sections can save an initiative time, money, and frustration, this one arguably offers the best "bang for the buck".  Of course, for any Solution which supports business operations, Process Definitions are vital.  To begin, this Section describes why defining processes is so important.  Moreover, it explains how Process Definition is a comparatively quick and effective alternative to Business Requirements Definitions (BRDs) and similar exercises in futility.  To emphasize, this Section provides step-by-step guidance to produce Process Definitions.  Furthermore, it also explains how Process Definition outputs become inputs to Solution Definition and Delivery.  Indeed, complete any Process Definitions before trying to complete Solution Definition or beginning Solution Delivery.  As a result, doing so speeds up all other work and drives significantly better results.

What's Included

Signing up for 12 months saves almost 30% off a Monthly subscription for the same content over the same period.  For context, Business Process Definition is #3 in the graphic below.  To summarize, this Section includes the following Parts:

  • Process Definition Purpose & Use - describes the value of properly defining each business process before Solution Definition and Delivery.
  • Process Definition Creation & Evolution - describes the means by which definition occurs.
  • Creating Definition Diagrams (Flows) - describes how to define each Level - 0 through Level - 3 Diagram.
  • Creating Definition Matrices - describes how to summarize the details captured on the Diagrams for later Solution Definition and Delivery activities.
Monthly, Quarterly, or Annual Individual Subscriptions
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