Solution Strategy & Architecture: Annual - Individual

Subscription Registration

Strategy & Architecture: Annual - Individual Registration Form

Thank you for subscribing to the ITM.  By registering, you gain full access to all Parts and detail Pages within the Section.  Please complete the Registration Form to activate your recurring Solution Strategy & Architecture - Annual Individual subscription.

Afterwards, you can downgrade an Annual subscription to Quarterly or Monthly timeframes.  Alternatively, you can also cancel this subscription at any time.

Solution Architecture

For even more value, consider a Solution Definition or Full ITM subscription.  Each offers all content in this Section, plus access to additional Iterative Transformation Model (ITM) content.


Basically, a Solution Strategy & Architecture: Annual - Individual subscription offers full access to the entire Solution Strategy & Architecture section of the ITM.  In short, Strategy & Architecture answers basic questions about a Solution, such as: What is it?  Who will it affect?  What is in / out of scope?  When will changes occur?  To begin, a series of Strategies cover topics relevant to the implementation of most applications.  In most cases, each Strategy seeks to align a Solution to broader Business and IT Strategies.  Each defines guidelines and guardrails for stakeholders to follow through Solution Definition and on to Solution Delivery.  To conclude, a similar series of Approaches complete Solution Definition, and guide transition on to Solution Delivery.  In between, several Architectural diagrams summarize pertinent information from Strategies and Approaches.  Generally, these are the 'Pictures worth 1000 Words' which convey Solution information to any interested parties.

What's Included

Signing up for 12 months saves 30% off the Monthly subscription for the same content over the same period.  For context, Solution Strategy & Architecture is #4 in the graphic below.  To summarize, this Section includes the following Parts:

  • Solution Strategies - templates and instructions to produce various Strategies that describe what is possible and define what is approved for each implementation.  Individual Strategies address common, relevant topics including: ApplicationsIntegrationsData MigrationsReportingSecurityTesting; and Operations.
  • Solution Diagrams & Components - the pictures which summarize each Solution, including: a Context Diagram, a Logical Diagram; and Physical Diagrams; along with descriptions of applicable Components.
  • Solution Approaches - more templates and instructions to produce various Approaches that define long-term objectives.  In most cases, Approaches align Solution Strategies with Solution Delivery.  Moreover, they also generate the initial Backlog for the pending Solution Phase.
Monthly, Quarterly, or Annual Individual Subscriptions

What's Incrementally Available

In addition to the Strategy & Approach templates which the subscription includes, request an additional package of Architectural Diagram Templates.  In time, these will become available as downloads.  Until then, the are available through a separate request.  Currently, the templates include the following:

  • Visio:   Solution Context Diagram
  • Visio:   Solution Logical Diagram
  • Visio:   Solution Physical Diagrams (DEV/TST, QA, & PROD)
  • Word / Confluence:  Solution Components

These templates are available for a one-time fee, separate from subscriptions.  Contact Us to obtain the source templates.

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