Individual Subscriptions

The second category of Iterative Transformation Model (ITM) Access covers Individual Subscriptions.  Basically, these are for anyone involved in Transformative Change, including the implementation of any enterprise application or technology.  Hopefully, you understand that your role plays a key part in a much larger effort.

To explain, think of Transformative Change like a professional team sport.  That is, a group (Team) acts together to achieve some objective (a win).  In effect, each player must play their position, and play it well, for the group to achieve their goal.  In general, the more skilled the player(s) the more likely they are to win.

Of course, each player, and the group as a whole, likely have a coach to organize, guide and train multiple participants.  Likewise, for any individual seeking to enter the game, upgrade their skills, or play at a higher level, the ITM can be that coach.  Indeed, the ITM offers practical, actionable guidance across a variety of positions.

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    This page lists Individual Subscriptions to the ITM.

    Alternatively, see Business Subscriptions for comparable offerings designed for consumer groups within an organization.  Likewise, look to Implementer Subscriptions if your organization offers Implementation / Integrator services, or if you are an Independent Contractor.

    Monthly, Quarterly, or Annual Individual Subscriptions

    Single Section Subscrptions

    The ITM is structured into Sections, Parts, and Pages.  Anonymous consumers may access the top page of each Section.  Similarly, consumers who obtain at least a Free Registration may access all Parts within each Section.  Conversely, after a few free page views, consumers must subscribe to access detailed Page content in any Part of any Section.

    By and large, any individual may choose the subscription which best suits their needs.  To begin, in the top portion below Single Section Subscriptions describe full access to each of the ITM's nine (9) Sections, or subject areas.  Afterwards, in the lower portions, different groups aggregate related Sections to offer broader content at lower prices.

    To get underway, simply register for the subscription(s) which cover the topic(s) of interest to you.  Thereafter, just navigate to the Iterative Transformation Model and get underway.

    Section 1: How to Organize for Iterative Transformation

    In particular, the first Section of the ITM needs no subscription.  Indeed, it is free to all.  In general, this Section describes a variety of perspectives by which to Organize for Iterative Transformation, encompassing content, initiatives, time and people.  Indeed, it is the one Section which all other Sections rely upon as a source for common terms, definitions, and structures.  Furthermore, it also provides a free example of the content available within the ITM.

    In short, How to Organize for Iterative Transformation includes the following parts:

    • Organize Enterprise Content:  How segmenting transformation initiatives enables better governance.  Basically, it describes the breakdown of varying levels of scope and scale from Business, Technology and Delivery perspectives.
    • Organize Enterprise Solutions:  How bringing Content and Timeframe segments together supports, and enables, Iterative Transformation.
    • Organize Solution Timeframes:  How to manage individual transformation initiatives over the short-term, medium-term and long-term.
    • Organize People:  The roles and groups which facilitate and execute transformative change.

    How to Organize for Iterative Transformation
    For everyone using the ITM
    No Subscription Required
    How to Organize for Iterative Transformation
    Yup, still FREE!!
    For everyone using the ITM
    No Subscription Required
    How to Organize for Iterative Transformation
    Just giving away value - for FREE!!!
    For everyone using the ITM
    No Subscription Required

    Section 2: Portfolio Management

    Whether the focus is on a single application or technology, any combination of two or more, or an entire IT Portfolio,  Portfolio Management helps establish clear ownership, accountability and resource boundaries.  Indeed, these processes accommodate the smallest to the largest Requests for Change.  In effect, guiding all change towards the Solution best suited to manage each request, including establishing new Solutions when appropriate.  Moreover, it helps eliminate redundancies, and orchestrate change affecting multiple Solutions.

    Basically, individual subscriptions to the Portfolio Management Section include parts covering:

    • Portfolio Approach - Reference: An overview and reference details for all Portfolio Management materials.
    • Portfolio Task 1 - Ideate Request: 5 steps determine which Customer Requests for Change are worth pursuing.
    • Portfolio Task 2 - Ideate Stories: Actions and artifacts to assess and prioritize Customer requests.
    • Portfolio Task 3 - Elaborate Request: 6 steps to establish individual Solutions and manage their lifecycle.
    • Portfolio Task 4 - Elaborate Stories: Actions and artifacts to complete Solution Definition and begin Solution Delivery.
    • Epic Lifecycle Management: Track Business Segment change and Solution scope.
    • Capability Lifecycle Management:  Track change affecting multiple, existing Solutions.
    • Shared Service Solutions: Introduces the TMO, PMO, QA and Change Management groups which cover multiple Solutions.
    • ITM Alignment with other Models: How ITM content aligns with frameworks such as SAFe, TOGAF and APQC.

    Subscription Durations

    Portfolio Managment
    Our Base Rate
    For Enterprise & Solution Architects, Solution Managers, TMO & PMO
    Monthly Subscription
    Portfolio Managment
    Save over 20% off our Base Rate
    For Enterprise & Solution Architects, Solution Managers, TMO & PMO
    Quarterly Subscription

    Section 3: Business Process Definitions

    Undeniably, for any Solution that supports business operations, Business Process Definition is the place to start.  Of all the activities required to implement business applications, these are often the most cost effective.  In fact, investments made here save time and costs throughout all other activities.  These definitions are designed specifically to support packaged application (i.e., COTS) initiatives.  In effect, completing each aligns people, process, technology and data to provide a sound framework for iterative delivery.  Moreover, definitions provide appropriate and sufficient information to evaluate suitable software, as well as to populate and prioritize backlogs.

    In general, individual subscriptions to Business Process Definition include parts covering:

    • Purpose & Use:  The importance and justification for defining the People, Process, Technology and Information dimensions of any proposed Solution before completing Solution Definition and starting Solution Delivery.
    • Creation & Evolution:  The means by which to define each process.  Basically, start with a top-down approach which facilitates Solution definition and selection, and end using a bottom-up approach which facilitates Solution design and delivery.
    • Definition Diagrams (Flows):  Instructions and examples for creating each level of a definition's diagrams, from Level 0 - Process Context to Level 3 - Task Flows.  To be sure, each level targets a diverse audience, provides a different perspective, and offers the means to capture the people, process, technology and data details required for Solution Delivery.
    • Definition Matrices:  How to summarize details and requirements the definition diagrams capture into formats which facilitate Solution design, planning, development, testing, training and other transformational activities.

    Subscription Durations

    Business Process Definition
    Our Base Rate
    For Business / Functional Analysts, Solution Architects, TMO & PMO
    Monthly Subscription
    Business Process Definition
    Save 20% off our Base Rate
    For Business / Functional Analysts, Solution Architects, TMO & PMO
    Quarterly Subscription

    Section 4: Solution Strategy & Architecture

    Undoubtedly, a common mistake behind many failed implementations is a decision to just throw some Stories into a backlog and get underway.  We're Agile!!  In truth, this often leads to months (if not years) of misguided efforts which produce unacceptable results.  Comparatively, a better approach is to set long-term goals, guidance and guardrails up front using Solution Strategy & Architecture.  That is, build and prioritize a backlog driven by big picture scope and high-level objectives.  Doing so helps keep shorter-term efforts on the right track.

    Generally, individual subscriptions to Solution Strategy & Architecture include parts covering:

    • Solution Strategies:  The highest-level definitions aligning Solution components with Business- and IT-Strategies in areas such as Applications, Integrations, Data Migrations, Reporting, Security, Testing and Operations.
    • Architectural Diagrams & Solution Components:  In short, the 'picture is worth 1000 words' Solution perspectives.  Diagrams include: the Solution Context (business process & integration scope); Logical Diagram (potential & licensed components); and Physical Diagrams (infrastructure and platform components supporting each environment).
    • Solution Approaches:  Align Solution Definition with Solution Delivery by bridging gaps between Strategy guidelines and guardrails, and the subsequent identification and implementation of delivery items, such as application functionality, Integrations or Migrations.

    Subscription Durations

    Solution Strategy & Architecture
    Our Base Rate
    For all types of Architects, Solution Managers, TMO & PMO
    Monthly Subscription
    Solution Strategy & Architecture
    Save 20% off our Base Rate
    For all types of Architects, Solution Managers, TMO & PMO
    Quarterly Subscription

    Sub-Total: Solution Definition Sections
    (for Subscription comparison)

    $79.97 / Month

    $189.97 / Quarter

    $649.97 / Year

    Section 5: Iterative Solution Planning

    Only after completing Solution Definition activities, to establish long-term objectives, is it time to plan multiple iterations of delivery.  That is, working within the context of Phase objectives, Iterative Solution Planning continues to focus on Features which deliver business value in each Release, and Stories which build functionality in each Sprint.  Thereafter, these shorter-term objectives guide the daily activities to produce measurable, manageable progress.

    In general, individual subscriptions to Iterative Solution Planning include parts covering:

    • Planning Approach - Reference:  An overview and details of all Iterative Planning materials
    • Planning Level 1 - Solution Vision:  Beginning in Solution Definition, these tasks define scope and objectives. Moreover, they align Solution change to Business Segment(s), potentially over multiple Phases and many years.
    • Planning Level 2 - Solution Roadmap:  Also starting during Solution Definition, these tasks set and prioritize long-term scope to achieve Solution objectives over multiple quarters each year.
    • Planning Level 3 - Release Planning:  At this level, tasks set and prioritize medium-term scope to achieve monthly goals towards quarterly Solution objectives.
    • Planning Level 4 - Sprint Planning:  Similarly, these tasks set and prioritize short-term scope to produce weekly progress towards monthly goals.
    • Planning Level 5 - Daily Planning:  Finally, tasks to keep Teams on track and the Solution moving in the right direction.
    • Planning Timeline Templates:  Basically, these Summary timelines are suitable for most common Solution type and timeframes.

    Subscription Durations

    Iterative Solution Planning
    Our Base Rate
    For Solution Managers, Solution Owners, Scrum Masters, Solution Architects & PMO
    Monthly Subscription
    Iterative Solution Planning
    Save over 20% off our Base Rate
    For Solution Managers, Solution Owners, Scrum Masters, Solution Architects & PMO
    Quarterly Subscription

    Section 6: Iterative Solution Implementation

    Step-by-step, Iterative Solution Implementation guides participants through Analysis & Design, as well as Build, Test & Deploy.  In general, Analysis & Design involves the work which takes Features and Stories from the Backlog and makes them "Ready" for implementation.  For instance, this is when Teams finalize requirements and make design choices.  Thereafter, Build, Test & Deploy begins with "Ready" Features and Stories, and ends once the work to make each is "Done".  That is, until their functionality and business value results are acceptable.  In other words, tasks begin and end from a Feature perspective, defining and delivering business value increments that Customers want.  In between, tasks use a Story perspective for participants to design, build and test desired functionality.  To summarize, Analysis & Design makes individual Features and Stories "Ready" for inclusion in a Release or Sprint.  Afterwards, Build, Test & Deploy takes each to "Done" by the end of each Sprint and Release cycle.

    In summary, individual subscriptions to Iterative Solution Implementation include parts for:

    • Implementation Approach - Reference:  An overview and reference details for all Iterative Implementation materials.
    • Implementation Task 1 - Feature Planning:  Steps to conduct Analysis & Design of business value, making each MVP increment "Ready" for inclusion in a Release.
    • Implementation Task 2 - Story Analysis:  Steps to conduct Analysis & Design of functionality increments, making each Story "Ready" for selection into a Sprint.
    • Implementation Task 3 - Feature Release (Part 1):  Initial steps to get the Build, Test & Deploy aspects of prioritized MVP increments underway for a Release.
    • Implementation Task 4 - Story Build:  Steps to Build, Test & Deploy prioritized functionality during Sprints. In effect, taking each Story increment from "Ready" to "Done".
    • Implementation Task 3 - Feature Release (Part 2): Steps to conclude the Build, Test & Deploy of prioritized business value.  In this case, taking each Feature increment from "Ready" to "Done", and then on to Production.
    • Other Topics of Interest - In short, expanded discussions on subjects such as: Acceptance Criteria; the definitions of "Ready" and "Done; how to write effective Stories; and estimating Feature and Story size.

    Subscription Durations

    Iterative Solution Implementation
    Our Base Rate
    For Solution Owners, Scrum Masters, Delivery Teams, Solution Managers & Release Managers
    Monthly Subscription
    Iterative Solution Implementation
    Save over 20% off our Base Rate
    For Solution Owners, Scrum Masters, Delivery Teams, Solution Managers & Release Managers
    Quarterly Subscription

    Section 7: Iterative Solution Testing

    Of course, iterative implementations require robust and thorough testing.  Unlike Waterfall testing, Agile testing must occur in parallel with the changes the tests validate.  To rephrase, without passing appropriate tests, nothing can ever be "Done".  And if nothing is ever "Done", then no progress occurs.  To be sure, testing helps users build trust in the changes which move a Solution forward.  Too often, months or even years of work never see use in Production because of an inability to gain users' acceptance.  Even worse, organizations sometimes force an unacceptable system into Production, with potentially disastrous consequences.  To prevent these impediments to progress, use Iterative Solution Testing to design and implement tests.  This approach provides all stakeholders with the confidence to accept change, and the assurance to continue along their transformative path.

    Basically, individual subscriptions to Iterative Solution Testing include parts covering:

    • Test Components & Preparation:  Describes the building blocks of testing, including conditions, scripts, cases, scenarios and data.
    • Defining Test Types:  Defines a variety available test types, along with guidance for selecting tests appropriate to each Solution.
    • Test Development & Execution:  The stages, targets, sequencing and progression of testing through which trust in a Solution is built.
    • Test Planning:  How various plans construct a framework to validate change and build stakeholder confidence in the Solution.
    • Defect Management:  How to address items that may not go according to plan, or work out as desired.

    Subscription Durations

    Iterative Solution Testing
    Our Base Rate
    For Delivery Teams, QA, Solution Owners, Solution Managers, Solution Architects & PMO
    Monthly Subscription
    Iterative Solution Testing
    Save 20% off our Base Rate
    For Delivery Teams, QA, Solution Owners, Solution Managers, Solution Architects & PMO
    Quarterly Subscription

    Section 8: Iterative Solution Reporting

    How does one know whether work is on track?  Similarly, how can one tell if productivity is increasing, as it should be, or decreasing and requires management attention?  Of course, stakeholders can find answers to these and other questions through various information sources.  To rephrase a famous quote, what folks can measure, they can manage.  For instance, Management Boards, KPIs, Retrospectives all offer insights - if one knows how and where to look.  Likewise, there are several opportunities to compile initiative performance data by looking to Epics, Capabilities, and Features.  Although, the quote has a caveat.  That is, measuring the wrong things often drives the wrong behaviors.  Accordingly, apply Iterative Solution Reporting to measure and manage the right behaviors to ensure a Solution's progress towards success.

    In short, individual subscriptions to Iterative Solution Reporting include parts covering:

    • Solution Management Boards:  The secondary purpose for the boards which manage ongoing implementation efforts.  Information from these can identify areas of weakness or mismanagement before they become a significant delivery problem.
    • Solution KPIs:  In short, the metrics and measures which can put, and keep, an initiative on the right path, providing insight into delivery productivity from the Team level on up.
    • Solution Retrospectives:  In effect, cyclical opportunities to identify areas of improvement, and implement positive change.  Moreover, they assess productivity and highlight problems over long-term, medium-term and short-term timeframes.
    • Solution Summary Pages - When the management tools permit, the use of these pages provide an effective means to manage progress in aggregate work objectives such as Features, Capabilities and Epics.

    Subscription Durations

    Iterative Solution Reporting
    Our Base Rate
    For everyone using the ITM
    Monthly Subscription
    Iterative Solution Reporting
    Save over 20% off our Base Rate
    For everyone using the ITM
    Quarterly Subscription

    Section 9: Iterative Solution Operations

    This final ITM Section deals with enablers which support Solution Delivery and ongoing operation.  In general, Iterative Solution Operations covers important tools and practices.  Without a doubt, these can either enable, or constrain, an organization's ability to implement and manage effective, successful Solution change.

    To begin, this Section defines how to set up a WMS.  Basically, setup defines the workflow and management boards which the Portfolio Management and Iterative Solution Implementation Sections describe.  Moreover, setup also defines many of reports which the Iterative Solution Reporting Section describes.  Thereafter, setup of the CMS/KMS describes how to organize all ITM content for each Solution.  Ideally, this allows the right people to access the right information any time they need it.  For instance, this organizes all outputs from the Business Process Definition and Solution Strategy & Architecture Sections and provides placeholders for other artifacts one should expect.  Together, the WMS and CMS/KMS facilitate the tasks which the Iterative Solution Planning Section describes.

    The remaining Parts address the setup and operation of the Solution Environments, or Instances, a Solution plans to use.  Significantly, this includes how to move changes between Environments, as well as how to validate changes made to each.  In short, they enable the activities which the Iterative Solution Testing Section describes.

    To conclude, individual subscriptions to Iterative Solution Operations include parts covering:

    • Work Management System:  Describes the basic configuration and use of WMS objects, workflow, boards and reports to support ITM processes
    • Collaboration / Knowledge Base: Describes a general structure, integrated with the WMS, to organize Solution materials for all stakeholders.
    • Test Management System:  Describes the basic configuration and use of TMS objects, structures and repositories to validate Solution change and deployment.
    • Solution Environments: Defines the high-level means by which to segment and control change-related work, enabling concurrent activities with multiple objectives to occur without interference or interruption.
    • Version Control:  Models and means to facilitate management of multiple, concurrent Solution increments, including CI/CD and deployment automation.

    Subscription Durations

    Iterative Solution Operations
    Our Base Rate
    For DevOps, Teams, Solution Managers, Solution Architects, TMO & PMO
    Monthly Subscription
    Iterative Solution Operations
    Save 20% off our Base Rate
    For DevOps, Teams, Solution Managers, Solution Architects, TMO & PMO
    Quarterly Subscription

    Sub-Total: Solution Delivery Sections
    (for Subscription comparison)

    $129.95 / Month

    $305.95 / Quarter

    $1,059.95 / Year

    Sub-Total: All Individual Sections
    (Solution Definition + Solution Delivery) 
    (for Subscription comparison)

    $209.92 / Month

    $495.92 / Quarter

    $1,709.92 / Year

    Section Group Subscriptions

    For more experienced stakeholders, a single topic of interest may not be sufficient.  For instance, individuals who fulfill higher-level roles tend to expand the breadth of their work.  Likewise, anyone looking to obtain a role which requires competency across multiple subject areas.

    To accommodate theses individuals, the ITM groups multiple Sections which relate to one another.  And while all Sections are relevant, there is generally a delineation of transformation activities between those which define a Solution and those which deliver a Solution.

    Accordingly, individuals may chose a subscription to either Section Group for access broader content.  Of course, each Group subscription offers a significant discount as compared to multiple subscriptions to the ITM Sections which relate to each.  For even more access, see the Full ITM below.

    Section Group 1: Solution Definition

    Together with Organizing for Iterative Transformation, these Sections are all an initiative needs to get any transformative implementation off on the right foot.  To begin, Portfolio Management describes how to manage Customer Requests for Change, up to and including the largest implementation initiatives.  Basically, it describes how to prioritize and route Requests to appropriate channels for change.  Moreover, it describes how and when to establish new channels, such as Capabilities, Epics, and Solutions when applicable.   Concurrently, Business Process Definition describes how to effectively capture information pertinent to any changes affecting business operations and the applications which support them.  Thereafter, Solution Strategy & Architecture aligns each Solution to Business and IT Strategy.  Furthermore, it compiles relevant Portfolio Management and Process Definition outputs to scope and prioritize pending changes, generating an initial Solution Backlog.  In other words, this concludes Solution Definition and facilitates the transition to Solution Delivery.

    Indeed, whether dealing with a single application or technology, or any number in combination, Solution Definition establishes proper divisions of work.  Likewise, it also defines corresponding ownership, accountability, and objectives.  Moreover, it identifies the resources and actions needed to make each initiative a success.

    An individual subscription to the Section Group Solution Definition packages the following individual ITM Sections into a single, cost-saving subscription:

    • Portfolio Management - How to manage Customer Requests for Change, large and small, guiding each towards a Solution to manage them, and/or establishing new Solutions when appropriate.
    • Business Process Definition - How to effectively define the people, processes, technology and information which a subsequent implementation of Salesforce, Dynamics 365, NetSuite, Workday or any other COTS or SaaS products may support.  While specifically designed to support packaged applications, these are also effective for custom developed business applications.
    • Solution Strategy & Architecture - How to align individual Solutions with overall IT Strategy and Enterprise Architecture, compiling guidelines and guardrails to facilitate Solution Delivery. Furthermore, to identify long-term objectives, as well as to produce and prioritize an initial backlog.

    For additional detail, refer to individual Section descriptions above.

    Subscription Durations

    Solution Definition Sections
    Save over 15% off Section Base Rates
    For TMO, PMO, Architects, Solution Managers & Business / Functional Analysts
    Monthly Subscription
    Solution Definition Sections
    Save over 30% off Section Base Rates
    For TMO, PMO, Architects, Solution Managers & Business / Functional Analysts
    Quarterly Subscription

    Section Group 2: Solution Delivery

    Whether building upon the Solution Definition Section Group, or on its own, the Section Group Solution Delivery packages all of the ITM's 'Agile' Sections which help organizations apply existing software to existing operations.  Of course, every initiative must recognize that implementing COTS, XaaS, or other packaged software is certainly not the same thing as software development.  Accordingly, the Sections which comprise Solution Delivery include many key adjustments from a traditional "Agile" approach.  In short, these adjustments help drive alignment and consistency amongst all stakeholders.  Moreover, they ensure everyone's efforts stay on track to provide regular value increments to customers.

    These Sections include the tasks which recur over long-term, medium-term, and short-term cycles.  In other words, they address the work which re-occurs throughout a Solution's Phases, Releases, and Sprints.  Working within the guidelines and guardrails established by Solution Definition, these tasks drive efforts towards achieving the Solution's long-term objectives.  To begin, this involves prioritizing backlog Features and Stories and making each "Ready" for delivery. That is, Analysis & Design.  Thereafter, various tasks make and test each change, moving Features and Stories from "Ready" to "Done".  In other words, Build, Test & Deploy. Throughout each iteration, information gathered helps identify productivity problems and assess corresponding improvements.

    An individual subscription to the Section Group Solution Delivery packages the following individual Sections into a single, cost-saving subscription:

    • Iterative Solution Planning - How plan for long-term, medium-term, and short-term Solution progress.
    • Iterative Solution Implementation - How to conduct Analysis & Design which make Features & Stories "Ready" for delivery.  Thereafter, how to work them until "Done", delivering increments of business value and functionality.
    • Iterative Solution Testing - How to validate Solution change and implementation, building Customer trust each step along the way.
    • Iterative Solution Reporting - How to get (and keep) a Solution's progress on track, by identifying problem areas and targeting opportunities for improvement.
    • Iterative Solution Operations - How to manage, control and support implementation change, by enabling the tools and processes delivery teams and other stakeholder use.

    To emphasize, refer to individual section descriptions above for more detail

    Subscription Durations

    Solution Delivery Sections
    Save 15% off Section Base Rates
    For everyone delivering Transformative Solutions
    Monthly Subscription
    Solution Delivery Sections
    Save over 30% off Section Base Rates
    For everyone delivering Transformative Solutions
    Quarterly Subscription

    Sub-Total: Section Groups
    (Solution Definition + Solution Delivery)
    (for Subscription comparison)

    $175.98 / Month

    $419.98 / Quarter

    $1,449.98 / Year

    Full ITM Subscription

    Full Iterative Transformation Model

    Overall, the content in these Sections guides consumers through the implementation of any packaged application or technology.  Whether ERP, CRM, PLM, Cloud, Digital, other transformative change, the actions these Sections describe will help most initiatives.  From the initial ideas for change, all the way through implementation, and on into ongoing support, the Full ITM will help ensure the right people, do the right things, at the right time.  As a result, expect initiatives which follow the Full ITM to improve their odds of success and deliver value more effectively and efficiently.  Moreover, the Full ITM helps consumers to avoid many pitfalls which hinder many organizations and initiatives.  Indeed, the Full ITM can help most initiatives save time and money.  Serious amounts of time, like years.  And serious amounts of money, like millions.

    To put it another way, if you do not already use a better model, why not just start with the ITM?

    An individual subscription to the Full ITM packages the following individual Solutions into a single, cost-minimizing subscription:

    • Portfolio Management - How to manage and fulfill Requests for Change, of any size.
    • Business Process Definition - How to effectively define Business Processes for subsequent implementation of ERP, CRM, PLM and any other COTS or SaaS applications.
    • Solution Strategy & Architecture - How to align any Solution with overall IT Strategy and Enterprise Architecture to ensure each application or technology gets off on the right foot.
    • Iterative Solution Planning - How plan for long-, medium- and short-term Solution progress.
    • Iterative Solution Implementation - How to make things "Ready" for inclusion in a Release or Sprint, and then work them until "Done" to deliver Solution increments.
    • Iterative Solution Testing - How to validate  change and build Customer trust in the Solution.
    • Iterative Solution Reporting - How to identify problem areas and target opportunities for improvement.
    • Iterative Solution Operations - How control implementation and change by enabling delivery tool, processes and stakeholders.

    Subscription Durations

    Full ITM
    Save almost 25% off Section Base Rates
    For everyone involved in Solution Definition and/or Solution Delivery
    Monthly Subscription
    Full ITM
    Save 40% off Section Base Rates
    For everyone involved in Solution Definition and/or Solution Delivery
    Quarterly Subscription

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