Business Subscriptions

The first for three (1 of 3) Iterative Transformation Model (ITM) Access categories covers Business Subscriptions.  Basically, these are for any organization, program, project, or other initiative undertaking Transformative Change.  Of course, the implementation of any enterprise application or technology involves Transformative Change.

To explain, it takes scarce and valuable resources to establish the actions, tools, and artifacts which facilitate effective transformation.  Moreover, it is both imperative, and no small feat, to align participant's efforts and achieve productive results.  Accordingly, getting everyone to play their part, and rowing in the same direction, is key to any initiative's success.

The ITM can align and enable participants implementing any number of applications or technologies.  By providing processes, tools, templates, and experience-based knowledge capital, the model helps get - and keep - initiatives on the right path.  Indeed, its practical, actionable guidance allows initiatives to avoid common pitfalls and gain a head start in delivering value to customers.

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    This page lists Business Subscriptions.

    Conversely, see Individual Subscriptions for comparable offerings designed for personal or individual use.  Alternatively, look to Implementer Subscriptions if your organization is a Solution Implementor, or you are an Independent Contractor.

    Work in Progress

    At this time, Business Subscriptions are in development.  As a result, please select either Individual Subscriptions until these subscriptions are available, or Contact Us for early adoption alternatives.

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